Home Events Heritage Park Will Hold “Mennonite Gathering Room Raising” This Week

Heritage Park Will Hold “Mennonite Gathering Room Raising” This Week


This week, the walls will be raised for the new Gathering Room at the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park!

An Amish Barn Raising at Henderson Heritage Park?  Not exactly!  Although this unique, special happening may come quite close because they call it their Mennonite Gathering Room Raising.  Wood-framed walls for the new Gathering Room 66’ by 36’ building will arrive with sheathing, ready to be lifted into place. This means the building could be up in just one day!  

The wood-framed walls are currently scheduled to be delivered on Wednesday, November 13. The workers may then begin lifting them into place that day or wait until the following day, November 14.  Construction schedules can change due to weather and other factors, so make sure to follow the Henderson Mennonite Heritage Park Facebook page for any changes.    

The public is welcome and encouraged to visit the park to experience this happening.  Vehicles need to be parked north of the General Store to prevent interference with the construction.  Come out and bring your lawn chairs if you wish to sit outside near the Visitors’ Center.  Cookies and coffee will be available throughout the day for guests to enjoy and stay warm.  It’s history in the making! 

The Henderson Heritage Park is 1 ½ miles south of the Henderson I-80 Exit #342 on spur 93A.