Home School Heartland School Board October 14 Minutes

Heartland School Board October 14 Minutes



Minutes for
Board of Education Regular Meeting
Monday, October 14, 2024, 8:00 PM Conference Room
1501 Front St
Henderson, NE 68371-8929

Notice of the meeting was posted in the Henderson News on October 10, 2024.


Present: Mr. Gary Braun, Lacey Gloystein, Jen Hiebner, Tyler Newton

Absent: Ryan Goertzen, Tammy Ott

  1. Preliminary Procedures

1.1. Call to Order
meeting called to order by Gary Braun at 8:01 PM

1.2. Recognize Notice of Meeting
1.3. Recognize Open Meetings Act Posting

1.4. Roll Call
Excuse the absence of Ryan Goertzen Passed with a motion by Jen Hiebner and a second by Lacey Gloystein.
Mr. Gary Braun: Yea, Lacey Gloystein: Yea, Jen Hiebner: Yea, Tyler Newton: Yea
Excuse the absence of Tammy Ott. Passed with a motion by Jen Hiebner and a second by Lacey Gloystein.
Mr. Gary Braun: Yea, Lacey Gloystein: Yea, Jen Hiebner: Yea, Tyler Newton: Yea

2. Public Comments On Agenda Items
Nebraska Revised Statute 84-1412 requires members of the public desiring to provide comments to the board to identify himself or herself, including an address, and the name of any organization represented by such person. A form is provided at the meeting for individuals to complete and to submit to the superintendent prior to speaking for the purposes of efficiently providing this information.

3. Reports
3.1. Superintendent’s Report
3.2. Principals’ Reports
4. Discussion Items
4.1. Policy Review: Section 406
4.2. NASB State Education Conference Registrations & Assembly Delegate
4.3. Transition From Cognia School Improvement Model To NDE School Improvement Model

4.4. 25-26 Option Enrollment Capacity Limitations

4.5. Invitation From Hampton Public Schools To Discuss Cooperative Athletics Sponsorships
The Board discussed initial communication between the committees of the two districts. The Board decided to meet again with the committee from Hampton and to continue to discuss potential cooperative sponsorships between Heartland Community Schools and Hampton Public Schools.

4.6. Building / Construction Status & Update

5. Action Items

5.1. 25-26 Option Enrollment Capacity Limitations
adopt resolution 502.02.R1 for the 25-26 school year as presented. Passed with a motion by Lacey Gloystein and a second by Jen Hiebner.
Mr. Gary Braun: Yea, Lacey Gloystein: Yea, Jen Hiebner: Yea, Tyler Newton: Yea

6. Future Agenda Items
6.1. Regular Meeting: Monday, November 11, 2024 @ 7 PM (note time change)

7. Consent Agenda
Approve the Consent Agenda as presented Passed with a motion by Tyler Newton and a second by Jen Hiebner.
Mr. Gary Braun: Yea, Lacey Gloystein: Yea, Jen Hiebner: Yea, Tyler Newton: Yea

7.1. Approval of Minutes
7.2. Approval of Treasurer’s Report
7.3. Approval of Claims
7.4. Approval Of Construction Claims
7.5. Financial Reports
7.6. Out of State Travel Request – National FFA Convention 7.7. Appoint Tami Clausen As At-Will Board Treasurer

8. Closed Session
The Board exited Closed Session at 10:01 PM.
Enter into Closed Session for the specific purposes of conducting a strategy session regarding a potential real estate purchase and for conducting a strategy session regarding collective bargaining at 9:33 PM. Passed with a motion by Tyler Newton and a second by Jen Hiebner.
Mr. Gary Braun: Yea, Lacey Gloystein: Yea, Jen Hiebner: Yea, Tyler Newton: Yea

8.1. Strategy Session Related To Potential Purchase Of Real Estate

8.2. 25-26 Collective Bargaining

9. Adjournment
Adjourn the meeting at 10:02 PM Passed with a motion by Jen Hiebner and a second by Lacey Gloystein. Mr. Gary Braun: Yea, Lacey Gloystein: Yea, Jen Hiebner: Yea, Tyler Newton: Yea