Home News City of Henderson October Minutes

City of Henderson October Minutes


The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Henderson, Nebraska was held at 7:00 p.m. on October 8, 2024, at City Hall in Henderson, Nebraska. Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall and published in the October 3, 2024, Henderson News.

Mayor Corbin Tessman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Tessman declared the meeting to be legal and properly advertised with all members having been informed of the nature of the meeting and having received related information. Mayor Tessman referred to the open meetings law poster and stated if a member of the public wishes to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak Forum Period. The public may request the item to be placed on a future agenda for deliberation and/or action.

Roll call during the Public Forum Period. Speakers will be given five minutes to address the Board. The public should be aware that the Board is unable, by law, to deliberate or act on the items raised during the Public showed the following present: Mayor Corbin Tessman. Council members: Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner and Teri Pollet.

Minutes from the September 10, 2024 regular council meeting, September 27 Budget Hearing, and September 27 Special Meeting were reviewed. Teri Pollet made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mitch Huxoll seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll, and Brian Hiebner. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

Mitch Huxoll made a motion to pay the claims as presented. Brian Hiebner seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner and Teri Pollet. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

One building permit was issued since the last meeting. Troy Hiebner for a mailbox and an egress window.

Alex Saathoff from the York County Visitors Bureau was present during public forum to introduce herself as the new director replacing Bob Sautter who retired recently after 23 years of service as the director.

At 7:09 p.m., Mayor Tessman opened the public hearing to hear opposition, support or concerns for vacating Lots 24-27 in the 2nd Addition to Henderson, Nebraska.

At 7:14 p.m., Mayor Tessman closed the public hearing as no public was present.

Teri Pollet made a motion to adopt Ordinance #460, an ordinance to vacate Lots 24-27 in the 2nd Addition of Henderson, York County, Nebraska, and to suspend the three readings on three different days. Brian Hiebner seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Brian Hiebner and Mitch Huxoll. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

Mitch Huxoll made a motion to approve Resolution #2024-06, a resolution to accept and approve the Final Plat of Highland Addition to the City of Henderson, York County, Nebraska as recommended by the Henderson Planning Commission. Teri Pollet seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Mitch Huxoll, Teri Pollet and Brian Hiebner. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

At 7:19 p.m., Mayor Tessman opened the public hearing to hear opposition, support or concerns for the 1&6 Year Street Plan. Craig Bennett from Miller and Associates presented the information to the council and reported the Highway Allocation set forth by the State of Nebraska will increase for next year by $7,140 from $163,846 to $170,986. He also reported the city of Henderson has a Low to Moderate Income rating of 39.1%.

At 7:19 p.m., Mayor Tessman closed the public hearing as no public was present.

Brian Hiebner made a motion to adopt Resolution #2024-07, a resolution to accept the 1&6 Year Street Plan for 2025 as presented. Teri Pollet seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Teri Pollet and Mitch Huxoll. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

The mayor and council reviewed the agreement submitted by Miller and Associates for the engineering of Well #2 replacement. The design services will be a lump sum of $24,750 and the construction phase will be an hourly fee amount not to exceed $12,000 for 90 calendar days of service.

After discussion, Teri Pollet made a motion to accept the agreement submitted by Miller and Associates for the engineering of replacing Well #2. Mitch Huxoll seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll and Brian Hiebner. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

Brian Hiebner made a motion to adopt Resolution #2024-08, a resolution to adopt the 2024 Multi- Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan prepared by the Upper Big Blue NRD and JEO Consulting Group that Henderson participated in throughout the year. Mitch Huxoll seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Mitch Huxoll, and Teri Pollet. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

After discussion, Brian Hiebner made a motion to increase the City’s Insurance Liability coverage from $1,000,000 to the state tort limit of $5,000,000; and to increase the deductibles on autos and contractor’s equipment from $250 to $1,000 to help offset the increase of the liability coverage. Mitch Huxoll seconded. Roll vote: Brian Hiebner, Mitch Huxoll and Teri Pollet. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried. The annual increase will be $2,020 for 2025.

The first reading of an ordinance to increase the water and sewer rates in 2025 by 3% was held. Second reading will be held on November 12, 2024. No formal action taken.

Brian Hiebner made a motion to accept the Ric Ortmeier CPA’s Engagement Letter in the amount not to exceed $13,000 for the annual audit. Teri Pollet seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Teri Pollet and Mitch Huxoll. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

The final pay request in the amount of $99,000 from SENDD Contracting for the construction of the 1141 N Main Street house was reviewed. After discussion, Brian Hiebner made a motion to withhold 20% of the pay request until the November meeting in order for the punch list to be complete. Mitch Huxoll seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Mitch Huxoll and Teri Pollet. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

The e-bike discussion was tabled as no new information was available.

Teri Pollet made a motion to adjourn. Brian Hiebner seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Brian Hiebner, and Mitch Huxoll. Absent: Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

Corbin A. Tessman, Mayor Connie Brown, City Clerk