Home Living Health Mental Health Events in Four Corners Area

Mental Health Events in Four Corners Area


Four Corners Press Release

Mental health in our communities has been in the spotlight. Our youth and their mental well-being have been a top concern. We all have a role in being there for others, especially our youth. 

Four Corners Health Department is focused on equipping people to respond to those in mental health crisis. A workshop on Thursday, November 6th is a key mental health opportunity – “Pathways to Better Youth Mental Health: Reshaping the Landscape Together”. It will be hosted at the Holthus Convention Center in York and starts at 9:00 a.m. The workshop is supported by a Title V Maternal Child Health Block Grant subaward. 

The day includes the following line-up of topics and speakers: 

  • Value Up: Mike Donahue, national speaker, author, podcast host, and youth specialist 
  • Nebraska is Paving a Path to Youth Suicide Prevention:  Julia Hebenstreit, The Kim Foundation, and Quinn Lewandowski, UNL Public Policy Center.
  • Building a Better Digital Culture: Jay Marten, Nebraska Department of Education
  • Supporting Youth and Families in Times of Crisis: Amber Dirks and Ashley Chism, CenterPointe

Another opportunity for those in faith communities would be to learn more about Faith Partners. This free two-hour training introduces people to a model their church can use to play its unique role in alcohol/drug and mental health Issues. This workshop will show how to build a team and get started in this ministry. Come Thursday, October 24th, 6:00-8:00 pm for general information. Those who want to build a team, register for Saturday, October 26th, 9:00 to 4:30 – the 2nd part of the training. The workshop is being held at Heart to Heart Ministries, 105 South 6th St, Ste. B, in Seward. 

Join in on one of the many suicide prevention sessions being offered in the Four Corners District. Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) is a 1 to 1 ½ hour workshop on signs of suicide risk, how to ask the question, and how to connect people to needed help. The next sessions are as follows:  October 30th, 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church in Staplehurst, and November 7th, 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at East Hill Church of Christ in York. Watch for more being scheduled. 

To register for any of these events and learn more, go to  https://fourcorners.ne.gov/community-ed-training/upcoming-events-workshops/    A printable flyer is available at the website.

Visit the Four Corners website at https://fourcorners.ne.gov/resources-for-mental-wellness/ to learn about resources to support your mental health. Also, you can learn about the FCHD therapist, Renee Duffek, LIMHP, LADC, and the services she provides.

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and subscribe to our YouTube channel @fc_healthdept! You can contact Four Corners at 402-362-2621 or 877-337-3573 or email at info@fourcorners.ne.gov