Home News City of Henderson September Minutes & Budget Hearing

City of Henderson September Minutes & Budget Hearing


City of Henderson September minutes and 2024/25 Budget Hearing release

The regular meeting of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Henderson, Nebraska, was held at 7:00 p.m. on September 10, 2024, at City Hall in Henderson, Nebraska. Notice of this meeting was posted at City Hall and published in the September 5, 2024, Henderson News.

Mayor Corbin Tessman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Tessman declared the meeting to be legal and properly advertised with all members having been informed of the nature of the meeting and having received related information. Mayor Tessman referred to the open meetings law poster and stated if a member of the public wishes to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Public Forum Period. Speakers will be given five minutes to address the Board. The public should be aware that the Board is unable, by law, to deliberate or act on the items raised during the Public Forum Period. The public may request the item to be placed on a future agenda for deliberation and/or action.

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Corbin Tessman. Council members: Kevin J. Friesen, Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner and Teri Pollet.

Minutes from the August 13, 2024, regular council meeting were reviewed. Kevin Friesen made a motion to accept the minutes as presented. Mitch Huxoll seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll, Teri Pollet and Brian Hiebner. Motion carried.

Mitch Huxoll made a motion to pay the claims as presented. Teri Pollet seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Mitch Huxoll, Teri Pollet, Brian Hiebner and Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

Three buildings permit were issued since the last meeting. Heartland Community Schools for school renovations, Shar Doell for a basement and Heritage Mennonite Park for a gathering room building.

At 7:04 p.m., Mayor Tessman opened the public hearing to hear opposition, support, or concerns for the following applications submitted by the City of Henderson:

1. Re-zoning from TA-1 Transitional Agricultural District to R-2 Medium Density Residential District of a part of the proposed Highland Addition, an addition to the City of Henderson, York County, Nebraska for property described as a tract of land being part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter also known as part of Government Lot 2, part of Tract 3, Irregular Tract 49, Irregular Tract 50, and part of Irregular Tract 51 and all located in Section Six. Township Nine North, Range Four West of the 6th Principal Meridian, York County, Nebraska (at the West ends of Highland Road and Front Street).

2. Preliminary Plat for Highland Addition, an addition to the City of Henderson, York County, Nebraska for property described as a tract of land being part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter also known as part of Government Lot 2, part of Tract 3, Irregular Tract 49, Irregular Tract 50, and part of Irregular Tract 51 and all located in Section Six. Township Nine North, Range Four West of the 6th Principal Meridian, York County, Nebraska (at the West ends of Highland Road and Front Street).

Craig Bennett from Miller and Associates was present to discuss both the re-zoning and the preliminary plat. The re-zoning is for the purchased land in 2020 that was annexed in but was not re-zoned at that time and the 2022 Zoning Map still showed Transitional Ag.

The preliminary plat was discussed and there were changes to the boundaries to include only land that is owned by the city with recent purchases and to include the original waterline easement that was agreed upon in 2007.

As no public was present for either the re-zoning of districts or the preliminary plat for Highland Addition, Mayor Tessman closed the public hearing at 7:37 p.m.

As no further discussion was had for the re-zoning, Brian Hiebner made a motion to approve application from the City of Henderson for the re-zoning from TA-1 Transitional Agricultural District to R-2 Medium Density Residential District of a part of the proposed Highland Addition, an addition to the City of Henderson, York County, Nebraska for property described as a tract of land in number one (1) of the public hearing above with the modifications mentioned during the public hearing. Teri Pollet seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Teri Pollet, Kevin Friesen and Mitch Huxoll. Motion carried.

As no further discussion was had for the application review of the Preliminary Plat of Highland Addition, Kevin Friesen made a motion to approve the application from the City of Henderson for the proposed Preliminary Plat of Highland Addition, an addition to the City of Henderson, York County, Nebraska for property described as a tract of land in number two (2) of the public hearing above with the modifications to the boundaries and waterline easement as mentioned during the public hearing. Mitch Huxoll seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Mitch Huxoll, Teri Pollet and Brian Hiebner. Motion carried.

As required by the EPA, the council reviewed the two proposals received from Miller and Associates (Kearney, NE) and Brickyard Consulting (Hooper, NE) for Project Engineers for the upcoming Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project funded through the Congressionally Directed Spending Fund. After reviewing the proposals, the council members individually ranked each engineer and turned in the ranking sheets to the city clerk for her to send to the EPA for further review and instructions. No formal action taken.

Brian Hiebner made a motion to approve the estimate from Johnson Services for the rehabilitation of the two lagoon manholes in the amount of $9,450. Teri Pollet seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Brian Hiebner, Teri Pollet, Kevin Friesen and Mitch Huxoll. Motion carried.

Kevin Friesen made a motion to adopt Resolution #2024-04, a resolution to authorize the Mayor to sign the Year-End Certification of Street Superintendent for 2024. Teri Pollet seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll and Brian Hiebner. Motion carried.

After the fourth reading and review of the Snow Emergency Route ordinance, Kevin Friesen made a motion to approve Ordinance #458 with the modification to Section 3, Item D to remove towing of vehicle. This ordinance establishes regulations for operation and parking of motor vehicles during snow emergencies as defined herein and designated by the Mayor and City Council of the city of Henderson, Nebraska, during snow and ice storms and during snow and ice removal from municipal streets; to provide a penalty for violation thereof; to repeal all ordinances in conflict herewith; and to provide for an effective date of this ordinance. Teri Pollet seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll and Brian Hiebner. Motion carried.

Reports were given. No formal action taken.

Teri Pollet made a motion to adjourn. Mitch Huxoll seconded. Roll vote: Ayes – Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll, Brian Hiebner and Kevin Friesen. Motion carried.

Corbin Tessman, Mayor Connie Brown, City Clerk


A budget hearing of the Mayor and City Council of the City of Henderson, Nebraska, was held at 12:30 p.m. on September 27, 2024, at City Hall in Henderson, Nebraska. Notice of this meeting was posted at the City Hall and published in the September 19, 2024 Henderson News.

Mayor Corbin Tessman called the budget hearing to order at 12:30 p.m. Mayor Tessman declared the meeting to be legal and properly advertised, with all members having been informed of the nature of the meeting and having received related information. Mayor Tessman also referred to the open meetings law poster at the back of the council chambers.

Roll call showed the following present: Mayor Corbin Tessman. Council members: Teri Pollet, Mitch Huxoll and Kevin J. Friesen. Absent: Brian Hiebner.

Mayor Tessman declared the budget hearing open at 12:31 p.m. concerning the Budget Summary for the 2024- 2025 Fiscal Year.

Mayor Tessman closed the budget hearing at 12:40 p.m. as no public was present for discussion.

Teri Pollet made a motion to adjourn. Kevin Friesen seconded. Roll vote: Kevin Friesen, Teri Pollet, and Mitch Huxoll. Absent: Brian Hiebner. Motion carried.

Corbin A. Tessman, Mayor Connie Brown, City Clerk