Home Living Health Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus in York County

Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile Virus in York County


Four Corners Health Department Press Release

Pools of mosquitoes trapped in York County have recently tested positive for West Nile Virus (WNV). Two human cases of West Nile Virus have also been reported in the Four Corners District to date.  West Nile is spread through the bite of a mosquito that has picked up the virus by feeding on an infected bird. 

 “People should take care to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, no matter what part of the state they live in,” Laura McDougall, Executive Director says. “It only takes one bite to infect you.” 

To avoid mosquito bites, Four Corners Health Department recommends the following: 

  • Applying mosquito repellent with DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, IR3535, Para-menthane-diol, or 2-undecanone; 
  • Wearing long-sleeved loose fitting shirt, pants, and socks when outdoors; 
  • Avoiding going out at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active; 
  • Repairing damaged screens on windows and doors to stop mosquitos from coming in your home; and
  • Eliminating standing water around your property to reduce mosquito breeding sites. When you can’t get rid of standing water, add larvicides in the form of pellets, dunks, or donuts to kill mosquito larvae (available at Four Corners, most hardware, farm, or garden centers). 

The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (NDHHS) tests mosquitoes from many places across Nebraska. These tests help us know the level of virus in the state. So far, this season has been above average across Nebraska for WNV positive mosquitos.  

Most people who are infected by a mosquito have no symptoms or only mild flu-like symptoms. Less than one out of 150 people who get bitten by an infected mosquito and become infected will get seriously ill. However, people over 50 and those with weakened immune systems are especially vulnerable to the disease. These people are more likely to get serious illness. 

West Nile fever includes flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, skin rash, swollen lymph glands, and muscle weakness. Symptoms of the more serious West Nile encephalitis include high fever, headache, neck stiffness, disorientation, tremors, occasional convulsions, and even paralysis. 

More information about West Nile Virus can be found at https://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/Mosquito-Borne-Disease-Prevention.aspx.

For vector-borne disease data and statistics, please visit: https://dhhs.ne.gov/Pages/West-Nile-Virus-Data.aspx.

You can contact Four Corners Health Department at (402) 362-2621 or (877) 337-3573.  Email at info@fourcorners.ne.gov. Follow on Facebook at Four Corners Health Department or on Twitter and Instagram @FC_HealthDept!