Home Living Health Healthy Aging: Staying Safe Behind the Wheel and Preventing Falls

Healthy Aging: Staying Safe Behind the Wheel and Preventing Falls


Four Corners Health Department Press Release

September is Healthy Aging Month and National Fall Prevention Awareness Month.  As we age, taking care of our health is key to staying active and independent. Making smart food choices, managing chronic conditions, maintaining healthy blood pressure and weight, staying physically active, and getting regular check-ups—like vision, dental, hearing, and physical exams—are all essential. It’s also important to avoid alcohol and tobacco, especially when taking medications.

Two areas that are crucial for healthy aging and maintaining independence are safe driving and preventing falls. These simple tips can help older adults stay safe and healthy.

Driving Safety for Older Adults
Driving helps older adults maintain independence, but changes in mobility, vision, hearing, and reaction time can make driving more challenging. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), drivers aged 65 and older are involved in 19% of all traffic fatalities. However, older adults can continue to drive safely by:

  • Staying active to maintain mobility. Make sure you can get in and out of the car safely, turn your head to check blind spots and reach to buckle your seatbelt.
  • Following your doctor’s advice on managing medications that could affect alertness. Avoid alcohol if you’re driving, and be aware of how alcohol and medications interact.
  • Limiting driving at night or in bad weather.
  • Knowing how to use the tools and instruments in your car before driving.
  • Having a plan to access services and stay social when you may no longer be able to drive. A useful resource is My Mobility Plan from the CDC, available in English and Spanish:   https://www.cdc.gov/older-adult-drivers/mymobility/index.html

Fall Prevention
Falls are a leading cause of injury for older adults, but they don’t have to be a part of aging. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 3 million older adults are treated in emergency rooms each year because of falls. Simple changes can help reduce the risk, such as:

  • Staying active with exercises that improve strength and balance.
  • Installing grab bars in bathrooms and keeping walkways clear of clutter.
  • Removing trip hazards like loose rugs and electrical cords.
  • Ensuring stairways have sturdy handrails on both sides and are well-lit.
  • Adding non-slip treads to stairs and ensuring all steps are in good condition.
  • Wearing shoes with good support, both indoors and outdoors.

Staying Independent and Healthy
By staying active and taking steps to make their environment safer, older adults can continue to enjoy their independence. For more information on safe driving and fall prevention, visit www.fourcorners.ne.gov, or contact your local health provider.

You can contact Four Corners Health Department at (402) 362-2621 or (877) 337-3573.  Email at info@fourcorners.ne.gov. Follow on Facebook at Four Corners Health Department or on Twitter and Instagram @FC_HealthDept!