Home Living Health Be Equipped to Help Save a Life With QPR Workshops

Be Equipped to Help Save a Life With QPR Workshops


Four Corners Health Department Press Release

During September, Suicide Prevention Month, workshops focused on preventing suicide will be hosted at churches and other locations. The workshop is called QPR – Question, Persuade, Refer and teaches people how to:

  • Recognize the warning signs of suicide
  • Know how to offer hope
  • Know how to get help and save a life

This workshop is helpful for everyone, including parents, friends, youth, neighbors, teachers, faith leaders, doctors, nurses, coaches, and others. It’s for anyone who may be the first one to recognize that the person with them is struggling with a mental health crisis and needs help.

Watch Four Corners Health Department website to find a location near you. QPR workshops are being added throughout the month. Go to:  https://fourcorners.ne.gov/community-ed-training/upcoming-events-workshops/ 

Two workshops currently are scheduled and open to the public: 

  • September 24th at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Osceola at 6:30 PM.
  • September 25th at St. John Lutheran Church in Seward at 7:00 PM.  

Join with others to learn more about preventing suicide and being there for someone who needs our help. We each can make a difference by being there for a person in a crisis. We can listen, offer hope, and get them connected to the care they need. 

Learn about LOSS Teams

Losing a friend or family member to death is painful and can be emotionally crippling. When that loss is a result of suicide, the grief of those left behind can be more intense and even more difficult.  

A team called “Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors” (LOSS) can offer help and support to those grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide. The LOSS Team is made up of trained suicide loss survivors and licensed mental health clinicians. These volunteers offer help to suicide loss survivors to help them heal from the trauma of their loss and link them to resources that can bring hope. The LOSS Team provides compassion and support, not therapy, to the suicide loss survivors.

Contact Four Corners to learn about becoming a member of a Four Corners LOSS Team or a member of the Four Corners LOSS Team Advisory Council.  Visit the Nebraska LOSS Team website to find LOSS Teams across the state: www.nebraskaloss.org.

For questions and to learn more, call Four Corners at 402-362-2621 or 877-337-3573. Email us at info@fourcorners.ne.gov.

Visit the Four Corners website at https://fourcorners.ne.gov. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and X. Subscribe to our YouTube channel @fc_healthdept!