Home Living Youth Mental Health Services & Access in the Four Corners District

Youth Mental Health Services & Access in the Four Corners District


Four Corners Health Department Press Release

The mental health of youth in our rural area is a high priority and concern. Four Corners Health Department, schools, health care, churches, and others have been working together to support youth. 

With the help of the University of Nebraska Lincoln’s Public Policy Center, starting in 2021, Four Corners assessed local youth mental health in the counties of Butler, Polk, Seward, and York. People who completed the survey felt we need to: 

  • Strengthen access to youth mental health services 
  • Continue access to services in the summer
  • Identify needs for staffing and funding 
  • Reduce cultural mental health stigma
  • Improve awareness of available services

A Youth Mental Health Steering Committee was created to address this. The survey was repeated in 2024. The numbers below reflect improvement, but also that there still is much work to do:

  • 28.7% believe their community knows how to access mental health resources, slightly up from 22.6% in 2022.
  • 33.0% believe community members know where to go or who to call in a mental health crisis, up from 21.2% in 2022.
  • 41.4% believe resources and services are available for youth in a mental health crisis, slightly up from 36.0% in 2022.

To read the full survey reports, go to the Four Corners website: https://fourcorners.ne.gov/youth-mental-health/ 

A variety of things are being done to improve youth mental health:

  • Increased awareness of available resources and media campaigns. Visit our Youth Mental Health page to see what’s offered: https://fourcorners.ne.gov/youth-mental-health/ 
  • Hope Survey and Hope Rising book discussions. Hope is the number one predictor of future well-being. High-hope people are more likely to be healthier, happier in their jobs, and more fulfilled in life than their lower-hope peers. For school settings, hope is a predictor of youth staying in school, being engaged, and being able to achieve.  To assess your level of Hope Survey and to learn of ways to increase your hope, go to:  https://nalhd.sjc1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_81aNeHHH0sFLJ6m 
  • Education. Save the date for our youth mental health workshop on November 6th at the Holthus Convention Center in York. Visit the Four Corners Health Department website for webinars, trainings, and workshops. Go to the YouTube channel for recorded webinars: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnoYkESgJI3qiXpxri_gv9g

Also, if you would like to see a counselor, Four Corners has a Licensed Independent Mental Health Practitioner, Renee Duffek. She is available in person or through telehealth. She specializes in drug/alcohol counseling, trauma, anxiety, and depression. Most insurance options are accepted. We are willing to work with those with limited finances. Contact Renee Duffek at Four Corners to learn more or schedule an appointment.

There are many ways to join in on this work. To find out how you can get involved or to learn more, call Four Corners at 402-362-2621 or 877-337-3573. You can also email us at info@fourcorners.ne.gov. Visit the Four