Home News Bases and Posts Arrive for Massive Stop Sign Replacement Project in York...

Bases and Posts Arrive for Massive Stop Sign Replacement Project in York County


York County Press Release

YORK COUNTY—In September, it was announced that all the stop signs in the county would be replaced thanks to a state grant.

​This week, York County Highway Superintendent Harvey Keim told the commissioners there are 1,150 bases and posts sitting in the yard at the roads department hub in York.

“These have now arrived,” Keim said. “We don’t have the signs yet, but the other parts are here. Once we have signs, we will start the program.”

The state stop sign program helps counties like York in these types of endeavors. Last September, Keim said this type of project would have cost York County somewhere in the ballpark of $164,000. But all the costs are being covered. York County is responsible for the labor of getting them all installed.

There is a 2025 end-date for completion of this project, but the timeline is also up for alteration based on when all the materials are received.

As Keim said earlier, “When this project is finished depends on when we get our materials. But in doing this project, being part of this program, it puts us in full compliance.”

It was noted these new stop signs will be more reflective and will greatly improve safety on the county roads.

It will probably take about a year for the project to be completed, depending on availability of manhours, Mother Nature and the arrival of all the components.