Home News York County Commissioners Final Meeting of Fiscal Year Tuesday, June 25 -Valuation...

York County Commissioners Final Meeting of Fiscal Year Tuesday, June 25 -Valuation Protests Considered


York County Press Release

YORK COUNTY – The York County Commissioners will be holding their last meeting of the 2023-24 fiscal year when they meet in regular session on Tuesday, June 25.

​As part of the fiscal year-end, they will consider two things which typically take place this time of year:

  • They will discuss and act on transfer budget authority within the general fund.
  • And they will consider authorizing an additional 1% budget authority for the next fiscal year, 2024-25.

Also during the Tuesday meeting, they will:

  • Discuss a grant with the York County Attorney’s office.
  • Consider a Housing Authority grant.
  • Meet with Jon Day, representative of Blue Valley Behavioral Health, as he presents his year-end report and budget request.

At 10:30 a.m., they will convene as the board of equalization to consider valuation protests.

The protests have been filed by Glen Coffey, Mona Lambert, George McCall, Gregory Schroder, T&J Rentals, Larry and Janet Vancura, Jerry and Beverly Troutman, Randall Tonniges, Nicholas Wollenburg, Steven Gerken, Bradley and Theresa Troutman, Todd and Laurie Stuckey, James Ohrt, Brett and Alicia Witter, Larry Wrightsman, Sharon Van Dyke, Benjamin Kohl, Brandon Lubke, Cynthia Bolte, Ron and Rebela Swenson and Diane Critel.

The public is encouraged to attend the meeting, which will begin at 8:30 a.m., in the commissioners’ meeting room, which is located on the main floor of the courthouse next to the clerk’s office. The public can also watch live online or access the recording on the county’s Facebook page.