Home Events Celebrate Summer with Henderson Community Days July 12 -14

Celebrate Summer with Henderson Community Days July 12 -14


Rock the Block is a favorite Community Day event and is back this year!

Henderson Chamber of Commerce Press Release

The Henderson Chamber of Commerce is excited to present another series of engaging events as part of our annual Community Days from July 12th through 14th. Join us for a celebration-themed “Roots of Resilience, Pioneers of Prosperity,” filled with activities celebrating our heritage and fostering community spirit.

Spotlight on the HeyHende Talent Show

This year, we are particularly excited to spotlight the “HeyHende Talent Show,” a platform for local artists to shine. Scheduled for July 13th from 6:00 to 7:00 PM at the Downtown Park Band Shell, this event promises to be a highlight of our Community Days, showcasing the amazing talents of Henderson’s residents.

Why Participate?

Showcase Your Talent: Whether you sing, dance, juggle, or have a unique act to perform, this is your stage.

Community Engagement: Perform in front of your community and enjoy the cheers of friends, family, and neighbors.

Recognition: Participants will receive recognition for their contributions to the community’s cultural life.

How to Join:

Last Call for Entries: We urgently need more talented individuals to join the lineup! This is your moment to be part of something special. Please register now and let your talent be seen and celebrated.

  [Register for the Talent Show Here](https://forms.gle/YSvjinBQ9WBAmKbE8)

 Other Exciting Events on July 13th and 14th:

Community Parade and Community Photo on July 13th: Celebrate our unity with the parade at 10:00 AM, followed by a community photo.

25th Annual Show and Shine Car Show from 12:00 to 3:30 PM at Lakeview Park: Enjoy the display of stunning cars. Registration starts at 10:00 AM.

Heritage Cooking Class from 3:00 to 5:00 PM at Mennonite Heritage Park: Dive into our culinary history with this engaging cooking class.

1974 Time Capsule Opening and Fireworks on July 14th: End the celebrations with historical revelations and a stunning fireworks display at dusk.

Vendor and Participant Information

Opportunities Abound: We are still seeking vendors for the Farmers Market, participants for the Parade, and hosts for other Community Day events.

Farmers Market Vendors: [Sign Up Here](https://forms.gle/HyJWvSdZK2jQRgLg9)

Parade Entries: [Join the Parade](https://forms.gle/ex8UpqHvM1K2hyycA)

Community Hosted Events for Community Days: [Host an Event](https://forms.gle/Y3xN4hag43gXkyXi7)


The Alumni Basketball Game will not be taking place. We appreciate your understanding.

Join us in celebrating and showcasing the best of Henderson! For more information, please contact the Henderson Chamber of Commerce at hchamber@mainstaycomm.net.