Home Sports Boys Golf Heartland Junior Creighton Friesen Places 14th at Class C State Golf Championship

Heartland Junior Creighton Friesen Places 14th at Class C State Golf Championship


The Class C State Golf Meet was cut down to only one day of competition this last week due to inclement weather. Day 1 of the Class C Boys Golf Championship in Columbus was canceled on Tuesday, May 21. The Championship resumed on Wednesday, May 22, and was an 18-hole event. The event was played at the Elks Country Club in Columbus.

Heartland Junior Creighton Friesen was the only team member who qualified for state for the Heartland Huskies. He tied for 14th place medalling for the Huskies, shooting a 79 (37-42).

“Creighton had a really good day at state and made some great shots. There were a lot of good golfers at State, and it was fun to watch him compete. I look forward to next season to see what Creighton can do during his senior year,” said Coach Buzek.


Former teammate and Heartland graduate Jake Regier (left) helped coach Creighton at State. Next to Creighton are Assistant Coach Paige Peters and Head Coach Chad Buzek. photos courtesy Lori Friesen