Twenty-nine Heartland FBLA members attended the Nebraska State Leadership Conference in Kearney on April 11-13. Thirteen students won 21 awards during the three-day conference.
Students attending the conference along with adviser James McCartney and parent chaperones Stephanie Buzek and Sarah Goertzen were: (Seniors) Carlotta Bertarione, Kaylee Goertzen, Ryan Hiebner, Devin Homolka, Jack McCormick, Hayden Mierau, Hunter Perez, Reese Regier, Hudson Regier, Ava Stebbing, Hendric Switzer, Mariah Tessman, Nicholas Thieszen; (Juniors) Jaelyn Brown, Brady Goertzen, Lydia Jahnke, Isabel Johnson, Jamisen Klein, Siddalee Kliewer, and Austin Schmidt; (Sophomores) Samuel Friesen, Mia Hiebner, Laura Splinter, Hallie Tessman; (Freshmen) Tara Buzek, Meggan Friesen, Maddox Regier, and Andi Stebbing.
Our Heartland FBLA Chapter President Austin Schmidt ran for the Office of Nebraska State FBLA Treasurer and ran a strong campaign, coming in as one of the top two candidates for the State Treasurer position. Despite the election results not going in his favor, we’re incredibly proud of Austin for seizing the opportunity to represent our Chapter and Community during his campaign.
The keynote speaker of the Opening Session was John Beede, an adventurer who has traveled to 56 countries and hiked all the highest mountains. He presented a great message about the challenges of becoming a leader, taking a step into the unknown, and the adversity we must face to become successful at what we do.
The leadership conference was filled with testing, presenting, and job interviewing. The group also enjoyed the amenities offered by the Younes conference center location including bowling. The top eight winners in each event were announced at the Awards Program on Friday evening and Saturday morning.
The students who placed in the top of each event will represent Nebraska at the National Leadership Conference in Orlando this summer. The following students won top eight awards:
- Brady Goertzen, Ryan Hiebner, Austin Schmidt
- 1st place Digital Animation
- Nick Thieszen
- 1st Place Business Law
- 1st Place Personal Finance
- Lydia Jahnke, Austin Schmidt, Nick Thieszen
- 2nd Place International Business
- Austin Schmidt
- 2nd Place Accounting 1
- 3rd Economics
- Kaylee Goertzen
- 3rd Place Spreadsheet Applications
- Mariah Tessman
- 5th Place Personal Finance
- Lydia Jahnke, Sidda Kliewer
- 6th Place Website Coding and Programming
- Brady Goertzen, Ryan Hiebner, Jack McCormick
- 7th Place Graphic Design
- Mia Hiebner
- 8th Place Accounting 1
The following students won Honorable Mention awards which recognized those who placed in the top 4% of each competitive event:
- Isabel Johnson
- Advertising
- Lydia Jahnke
- Business Law
- Tara Buzek
- Intro to Business Concepts
- Intro to Business Communication
- Intro to Financial Math
- Sam Friesen
- Intro to Information Technology
- Austin Schmidt
- Personal Finance
- Hendric Switzer
- Personal Finance
Nick Thieszen earned Who’s Who in Nebraska FBLA for our chapter.
Congratulations to all members for a great conference!!

Brady Goertzen, Austin Schmidt, & Ryan Hiebner 1st place in Digital Animation; Nick Thieszen 1st place in Business Law, 1st place in Personal Finance, Who’s Who in Nebraska FBLA. Courtesy photos

Lydia Jahnke, Austin Schmidt & Nick Thieszen 2nd place International Business; Kaylee Goertzen 3rd place Spreadsheet Applications.

Austin Schmidt 2nd place Accounting I & 3rd place Economics; Mariah Tessman 5th place Personal Finance.