Home School New Interactive Boards and TVs Installed at Heartland

New Interactive Boards and TVs Installed at Heartland


Heartland Community School press release

A substantial technological upgrade has been made at Heartland to displays in classrooms over the past several months. 

While the school had previously been using projectors with Apple TVs and a separate set of speakers, age and issues warranted necessary replacement.

The school purchased 75″ TVs and nine interactive boards from Striv Education. The majority of them have been installed, but a few rooms needed additional preparation before installations. 

The result has been clearer images and a brighter display. The sound quality is also vastly improved. Classrooms with interactive boards have been able to add additional activities and upgrade traditional work. Some boards are also mobile to allow for sharing across classrooms or movement in large spaces. For example, Mr. Reinke is able to use a TV on a cart to display proper stretching techniques.

Art teacher Kelsey Gooder explained, “All of my presentations about artists, movement, elements, and principles are now being done on the new interactive board in my classroom, and the image quality is so much more clear and color accurate. It has been wonderful in all of my elementary classes to have an easy, quick way to demonstrate a technique and then I can save it to look at later. Just with kindergarten we were able to mix colors on the screen like it was real paint and made the experience memorable!”

If you have a student at school, ask them how their class is utilizing the new boards!