Home Events Heartland Track Team Sponsors Color Run during Henderson Community Days

Heartland Track Team Sponsors Color Run during Henderson Community Days

Here's what some participants from last year's Huskie 1 mile/5K Run/Walk/Bike looked like after they got sprayed with the colors! Photo courtesy Casey Burgess

Help support the Heartland Track Team and enter their 2nd Annual Huskie 1 Mile/5K Color Run during Henderson Community Days on Saturday, July 15. 

Participants will be able to walk, bike, or run and need to remember to wear a white t-shirt to get the full effect of this fun event. It might be a good idea to wear a bandana and bring along a towel for afterwards.

Along the 5K route, Heartland student/athletes will be at different stations where they will squirt passing participants with water and then colored powders. This race is definitely about having some fun in a colorful way. Be sure and take some before and after pictures and enjoy the event along with your family and friends.  

Meet at the Heartland Community Schools at 8 AM. The cost of $30 per family or $10 per person. Please pay in cash or a check made out to Heartland Community School. 

Contact Christa Lindsay at clindsay@heartlandschools.net with any questions. Check with the Heartland Facebook link for any changes due to the weather.