Home Events Henderson Community Garden Gets Helping Hands From Heartland FCS Students

Henderson Community Garden Gets Helping Hands From Heartland FCS Students

Heartland students volunteer at community garden.

It’s great to see Heartland students “dig in,” helping with a community project. In the past few weeks, students in Anne Regier’s Family Consumer Science classes did some community volunteering for the Henderson Community Garden. Junior high and high school students joined community garden volunteers preparing the garden by hauling and spreading leaves and mulch, raking, and digging holes for the fence.

“The work goes so much faster with this many hands,” said community garden volunteer Aubrey Isom. “The kids saved us hours by donating their class period to digging in the dirt and getting the garden ready for planting.”

Aubrey and other committee members Lynette Friesen and Kendra Switzer were on hand to help supervise the garden prep work and appreciated their efforts. According to Aubrey, this is the second year that Heartland students have assisted with prepping the garden.

On Thursday, students will assist with planting cold-weather crops, said Heartland FCS teacher Anne Reiger. “As the garden grows, they will pull weeds until school ends. Hopefully, some of the students will head to the garden this summer to help out and pick vegetables.”

If you are interested in viewing the garden, it’s located just south of the golf course. Follow the Henderson Community Garden on Facebook and watch its progress.