Home News Business Kroeker & Kroeker Hires Mierau

Kroeker & Kroeker Hires Mierau


Kroeker & Kroeker Insurance and Real Estate are excited to welcome their newest employee, Nicole Mierau.  She brings a great deal of office and customer service knowledge to their team and many other invaluable skills. According to co-owner Steve Stebbing, she has been a wonderful addition to their staff. 

Nicole grew up in Lincoln, NE, and has lived in Henderson for 9 1/2 years.  She is married to Jeb Mierau, a Henderson native, and they have five children, all attending Heartland Community School.  Owen, 17, is a senior and will be attending UNL next year, Landon is a freshman in high school, Brinley is in 6th grade, and twins Braden and Emily are 3rd graders.  Nicole enjoys reading and playing games with the kids in her spare time.

When you walk into the office, Nicole is the first smiling face at the front desk. She is currently working towards getting her Property & Casualty Insurance license.  

“I love living in Henderson and am excited to be now both working and living here. I am excited to see familiar faces throughout the day, and I enjoy working with a great group of people here at Kroeker & Kroeker,” said Mierau.