Home Events Lauren Friesen Visual Lecture “The Dutch Golden Age: Mennonites to the Core”

Lauren Friesen Visual Lecture “The Dutch Golden Age: Mennonites to the Core”


Lauren Friesen, Ph.D, will be presenting a visual lecture entitled “The Dutch Golden Age: Mennonite to the Core” on Sunday, September 12, at 3:00 PM at the Heartland High School Theater.  

Lauren Friesen

Friesen is a native of Henderson who has written and taught extensively in the areas of art, theater and religion. He is now a David M. French Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan. 

The Dutch Golden Age (1530-1735) was an era when Mennonites flourished in the visual arts, medicine, business, education, theater, poetry, theology, and publication. Mennonites were deeply engaged, and often the leaders in all of these endeavors.  

This illustrated presentation will cover the basic contours of that Mennonite involvement. Attention will be given to Carel van Mander (art schools), Nicolas Bidloo (medicine), Joost von den Vondel (drama), Hans de Reis (Benevolent Society), and Rembrandt’s complex affiliation with the Mennonites.  

The public is welcome to attend this event sponsored by Henderson Heritage & Tourism free of charge although donations will be greatly appreciated. For more information, contact Suzanne at 402-723-4252.