Home Faith Local 10-Year-Old Provides Meals for Children through Lemonade Stand

Local 10-Year-Old Provides Meals for Children through Lemonade Stand


Amidst the games, crafts, and excitement of Mystery Island Bible School at FEBC, the students were introduced to a mission organization that would have a great impact on them. The organization was Children’s Hunger Fund. Its mission is to provide food and hope to children in need around the world.

Learning about it was particularly meaningful for Hayden Perez who will be a 5th grader in August. He recalled Mark and Cindy Danielson teaching them about the situations of children around the world during the week. There was even a demonstration of how children would dig through the trash to find food. The students learned, however, that just one quarter would enable them to provide one meal. Equipped with this knowledge, they were able to raise the funds to supply over 3,000 meals throughout the week.

But a heart for the issue didn’t leave Hayden when VBS concluded. Propelled to help even more, he conjured the idea to set up a lemonade stand at his family’s garage sale. All the profits would be sent to the Children’s Hunger Fund.

On June 12, Hayden ran his stand with a Children’s Hunger Fund collection box. Along with his customers, he was able to provide an additional 280 meals. Touched by his efforts, he received a handwritten thank you note from CHF. “It felt really awesome to do it,” Hayden remarked.

If you would like to learn more about the Children’s Hunger Fund or join in their work, you can learn more HERE.