Home News Vaught Returns to Bethesda in Pastoral Role

Vaught Returns to Bethesda in Pastoral Role


Returning to the Henderson area was not a prominent idea for Chelsea Vaught after her graduation from Heartland in 2002. “I thought maybe I would move back when I retired,” she shared with a smile. But on March 1, she officially became the Pastor of Worship and Congregational Care at Bethesda Mennonite Church, securing her status as a Henderson resident.

Growing up at Bethesda, Chelsea was notably involved in music. She also attended youth group, church conferences, and enjoyed visiting a church member at Rosewood Court. Because of her involvement in the worship gatherings, she recalls being intrigued how the services were organized.

Chelsea attended Bethel College where she earned a Music Education Degree. She ventured on to the University of Kansas for a Masters and Doctorate in Church Music with an emphasis in Organ. 

Putting her education and skills into service, Chelsea worked in Indiana for seven years at a church. When that season came to a close, she sensed it was time to move back to Nebraska and began working on a gerontology degree in January of 2020. Initially, she intended to work at a facility among that demographic she especially enjoyed. A look back, however, reveals that God would subsequently use those studies to help prepare her for her work at Bethesda. “This job at Bethesda really combines both of my interests,” she remarked. 

With a few months back in town, Chelsea remarked that it has been exciting. “I’ve enjoyed renewing connections and am glad I came at a point to do in-person visitation.”

Returning to work at her home church is a unique opportunity. “This was a really supportive congregation when I was growing up with music that it makes me grateful to support them now,” she expressed.