Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Jenny Rees

Extension Update by Jenny Rees

Upcoming Events:

***NOTE: Pre-Registration is REQUIRED. Counties with date/location/time not listed below chose not to have that information publicized. You will need to contact the county you wish to attend to obtain the date/location/time for meetings (particularly for pesticide & chemigation training) and to RSVP. ***

Jan. 5: 
BeefWatch Webinar: Preventing Calf Scours, 8 p.m., https://beef.unl.edu/beefwatch-webinar-series
Jan. 6: 
Crop Production Clinics Central NE Locations: Hastings, North Platte, Kearney, Holdrege, https://cpc.unl.edu 
Jan. 7: 
Crop Production Clinics Eastern NE Locations: Lincoln, Geneva, Norfolk, Syracuse, https://cpc.unl.edu
Jan. 7: 
Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. AND 1 p.m., Cornerstone Event Center Fairgrounds, York, RSVP: 402-362-5508
Jan. 7: 
MidWinter Grain Management Webinar: Commodity Care & Employee Safety, 10 a.m., Register: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/grain-handling-safety-coalition-31134157131
Jan. 8: 
Chemigation Training, 9:30 a.m., Cornerstone Event Center Fairgrounds, York, RSVP 402-362-5508
Jan. 12: 
BeefWatch Webinar: Calving Tool Box & Recordkeeping, 8 p.m., https://beef.unl.edu/beefwatch-webinar-series
Jan. 13: 
Crop Production Clinics Central NE Locations: North Platte, Hastings, Central City, Holdrege, https://cpc.unl.edu
Jan. 14: 
Crop Production Clinics Eastern NE Locations: Lincoln, Norfolk, York, Syracuse, https://cpc.unl.edu
Jan. 18: 
Pesticide Training, 2 p.m. AND 6:30 p.m., Harvest Hall Fairgrounds, Seward, RSVP 402-643-2981
Jan. 19: 
BeefWatch Webinar: Calving complications & when to call the vet, 8 p.m., https://beef.unl.edu/beefwatch-webinar-series
Jan. 19: 
Pesticide Training,Highway 92 Building, David City
Jan. 20: 
Crop Production Clinics Central NE Locations: Hastings, Aurora, Holdrege, Kearney, https://cpc.unl.edu
Jan. 21: 
Crop Production Clinics Eastern NE Locations: Lincoln, Norfolk, York, https://cpc.unl.edu
Jan. 21: 
Pesticide Training, Fairgrounds, Hastings
Jan. 21: 
Chemigation, Fairgrounds, Hastings
Jan. 25: 
Chemigation, 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds, Central City
Jan. 26: 
Pesticide Training, Fairgrounds, Osceola
Jan. 26: 
No-Till On the Plains, http://notill.org/
Jan. 26: 
BeefWatch Webinar: Cow nutrition needs at calving and in early lactation, 8 p.m., https://beef.unl.edu/beefwatch-webinar-series
Jan. 27: 
Nebraska Crop Management Conference Locations: Hastings, Kearney, Seward, Holdrege, North Platte, Syracuse, https://cpc.unl.edu
Jan. 28: 
Cow/Calf College, Reg. 9 a.m., Program 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., Fairgrounds Clay Center. RSVP: 402-746-3417
Jan. 28: 
Ag Update, 1:00 p.m., Fairgrounds, Central City

Happy New Year! This past week I’ve received several questions about winter meetings so wanted to better clarify what to expect. Also, area winter program brochures were mailed out last week. If you no longer wish to receive this, please let us know and we’ll update our mailing list.

Risk Dial: For Extension programs, if the risk dial is ‘Red’, in-person events are cancelled. The risk dial is reset every Friday for many district health departments throughout the State. Thus, those who pre-register will be notified by Monday the following week of any cancellations and next options. This week, locally we are in ‘Orange’, so pesticide training in York on Jan. 7 and chemigation training in York on Jan. 8 (both at Cornerstone Event Center at Fairgrounds) are thankfully on! UNL guidelines require masks when the risk dial is ‘Orange’. Thank you to all who have called in to pre-register!

Crop Production Clinics: Technically these are all presented virtually whether you choose to watch online on your own or at an in-person location. I enjoy seeing people and catching up at winter meetings, so I’m grateful we still have in-person meeting options! The following website has the agendas and registration information: https://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc. There’s not an easy way to see where the in-person options are located unless you click on the ‘Register’ button and scroll. Thus, I will list them for you below. For those of you who’ve attended in the past, you know there’s two rooms which allow for various learning opportunities and CCA credits: certification/pest management room and a crop/soil/water room. When watching virtually, you will have the option to switch between the different rooms. There are specific ways built in to ensure those who need recertification and are watching virtually are accounted for and to account for those desiring various CCA credits. Some in-person locations like Hastings, Aurora, Central City are hosting both rooms. In York, on Jan. 14 and 21 at the Cornerstone building at the Fairgrounds, for specific reasons I’ve chosen to only host the pest management room. That works if you only need certification or wanted to watch only those topics. Otherwise, if you needed soil/water credits, it would work best to choose a different in-person location or watch virtually. I just wanted you to be aware of that. For the Nebraska Crop Management Conference, most of us are only able to provide two of the four rooms. When you register for CPC/NCMC this year, you will choose whether you have the weed guide shipped directly to you or to a nearby Extension Office where you can pick it up. In-person locations include:

Jan. 6: Central NE Locations: Hastings, North Platte, Kearney, Holdrege
Jan. 7: Eastern NE Locations: Lincoln, Geneva, Norfolk, Syracuse
Jan. 13: Central NE Locations: North Platte, Hastings, Central City, Holdrege
Jan. 14: Eastern NE Locations: Lincoln, Norfolk, York, Syracuse
Jan. 20: Central NE Locations: Hastings, Aurora, Holdrege, Kearney
Jan. 21: Eastern NE Locations: Lincoln, Norfolk, York
Jan. 27: Nebraska Crop Management Conference Locations: Hastings, Kearney, Seward, Holdrege, North Platte, Syracuse

Chemigation: For those desiring to apply fertilizer and/or chemicals through irrigation systems, you can obtain your initial or recertification for chemigation at an in-person training or online. The online version is also for both initial and recertification and can be obtained at: https://water.unl.edu/article/agricultural-irrigation/chemigation. There is no charge for chemigation training. For those attending in person, please pre-register and please bring a calculator (can’t use smartphone). Area January in-person trainings include: Jan. 8 at 9:30 a.m. at the Cornerstone Bldg. Fairgrounds in York; Jan. 21 at the Fairgrounds in Hastings; Jan. 25 at 1:30 p.m. at the Fairgrounds in Central City.

Crop Budgets are updated for 2021 and available at: https://cropwatch.unl.edu/budgets.

Extension Survey: It’s also that time of year for annual reporting. If you could please help me out by completing this 5 question anonymous survey, I’d appreciate it: https://app.sli.do/event/s8g48y8z. Thank you!