Home News Heartland Adapts with “Holiday Celebration Circle”

Heartland Adapts with “Holiday Celebration Circle”


In a typical year, our FBLA, FFA, and NHS students would be caroling for cans soon.  Also, in a typical year, our Heartland Education Association (HEA) would be having a soup supper to raise money for scholarships.  As part of adapting to our Covid situation, these two events will be combined into the Holiday Celebration Circle.  Here’s how it works:

Between now and December 10, 12:00 (noon)- Go online and pre-order Chili, Chicken Noodle Soup, and Cinnamon Rolls at https://heartlandgrill.square.site. Free will donations can be made at the time of preorder.

On December 14, between 5:00-7:00 PM at either the circle drive at school or the community center in Bradshaw…

  • Pick up your food order.
  • Drop off your food donations.
  • Pick up free books for children birth to pre-K.

The money raised from this event will be split between the food drive and scholarship from HEA.