Last week, a farming family in our community experienced a terrible event. On Thursday morning, October 15, Jonathan and Abbie Rempel were notified that their harvest equipment was on fire in their field in Clay County. This included their combine, a tractor and grain cart, and two semis filled with grain. An investigation of the event is taking place.

For those in agriculture who labor all year for the culmination of the harvest, this was devastating news to receive and move forward from.
Jon and Abbie are well-known, involved faces in our area. Their Facebook post sharing the news reflected their emotions, grounded priorities, and remarked of the community support shown to them.
This support is an acclaimed characteristic of rural Nebraskans. While their story has reached thousands across the country, and even people across the globe, we know that assisting them begins with those of us directly around them.
Several ways have been (and are being) organized to help the family. We will keep this list updated.
Make a donation at the family’s bank:
Heartland Bank
℅ Rempel Equipment Benefit Fund
901 Q Street
P.O. Box 69, Aurora, NE 68818
Donate through a GoFundMe set up for them:
Participate in the Double O Farms fundraiser where 25% of beef sales will go to the Rempel family through October 27:
Sign up to provide a meal to the family here:

Photos from Jonathan’s Facebook post