Home News Henderson Health Care Shines Light on Infection Control Procedures

Henderson Health Care Shines Light on Infection Control Procedures


COVID-19 has brought new life to a decades-old technique for controlling infectious diseases and bacteria: ultraviolet light. Henderson Health Care is amidst several emerging healthcare organizations utilizing the power of ultraviolet light to aide in sanitation efforts.

Four Skytron UVC Disinfection Robots have been purchased for use at Legacy Square/Rosewood Court, Henderson Family Care, Sutton Family Practice, and the Henderson Hospital. The single-cycle, whole room robots deliver powerful UV light at a germicidal dose ensuring thorough disinfection of all surfaces. Traditional hospital cleaning and commercial cleaning protocols will still be in place, but UV disinfection will be an additional barrier in stopping the spread of pathogens to reduce the possibility of a healthcare
associated infection. On average, the Skytron fully disinfects a room with a single 45-minute cycle depending on the room’s size.

Chelsea Wilcox, Infection Preventionist at Henderson Health Care, said, “Patient safety has been, and will always be, the number one priority of Henderson Health Care. The purchase of these four UVC disinfection robots shows our dedication to continually improving our infection control procedures with the patient in mind.”

According to the Center for Disease Control, “Each day, about 1 in 31 U.S patients has at least one infection associated with hospital care. That is 1.7 million patients with an estimated 98,000 patients dying because of improper sanitation.” The total cost accrued for the four disinfection robots is $149,293.