Home Faith Church Calendars – April 25

Church Calendars – April 25


Find out what’s going on this week at the following churches:

  • Bethesda Mennonite Church
  • Community Bible Church of Lushton
  • Countryside Bible Church
  • Crossroads Bible Fellowship
  • Faith Evangelical Bible Church
  • Living Hope Church
  • Stockham Community Church

Bethesda Mennonite Church
Pastor Andrea Wall
Pastor Seth Miller
Phone: 402-723-4562
Email: bethesda@mainstaycomm.net

All events at Bethesda Mennonite Church will be suspended until we can safely meet together again. Sunday services will be live streamed only. Please watch our website at www.bethesdamc.org for updates.

Community Bible Church of Lushton
Pastor Dr. Greg Koehn
205 Gilbert St. Lushton, NE
Phone: 402-724-2369

Due to the request of both Federal and State government, because of the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19, we will be discontinuing our services on Sunday and all activities on Wednesday night until further notice.

We have an online recorded service that will be available through YouTube, a link that is available at this website. It will be recorded and therefore available for viewing at any time.

Countryside Bible Church
904 S W Road
Hampton, NE 68843
Pastor Rod Goertzen
Phone: 402-725-3888
Website: http://countrysidebc.org

Watch the Countryside Worship Service Live Stream at http://countrysidebc.org/live-stream

During this time:

Sunday Morning Worship will be Live-Streamed at 10:15 a.m. We encourage you to watch at home. Sing along with Thomas while he leads us. There will be announcements and Scripture, followed by the message. 

The Wednesday Night Bible study will also be live streamed beginning at 6:30 p.m. each Wednesday. We will take break from Ecclesiastes and have a study in the Psalms. 

Sermon Notes available for download at http://countrysidebc.org

Our Mission: To teach and preach God’s word literally and systematically, verse by verse, to men as they are.

Crossroads Bible Fellowship
Pastor Peter Coon
1002 Road B
Phone: 402-723-4958
Website: http://crossroadsbiblehenderson.org

Sunday services will be on our Facebook Page. Sermon recordings are also available on the website.

Faith Evangelical Bible Church
Pastor: Bob Stretch
Youth Pastor Crale Swanson
Phone: 402-723-5888
Email: officefebc@mainstaycomm.net
Website: http://faithebc.net
“Like” us on Facebook at http://goo.gl/t4M96

All church gatherings are on hold till further notice. Our worship service will be live streamed on Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. Past services are also posted and available for anyone to watch. 

To join our worship service, go to: http://faithebc.net/live

Living Hope Church
Pastor Luke Haidle
Phone: 402-723-5845
Email: office@livinghopehenderson.com
Website: http://www.livinghopehenderson.com

Church service in the sanctuary, Wednesday night activities, and other events at the church are cancelled for the time being, unless posted otherwise. Check Facebook and the church website for updates.

Join us online at www.livinghopehenderson.com. There you will find all the resources needed for home church: video link, video guide, song sheets, prayer guide and discussion questions, as well as a link for online donations.

Stockham Community Church
Pastor Paul Nauman
Associate Pastor Rick Bartek
409 Scott Street, Stockham, NE
Phone: 402-737-3333
Website: http://stockhamchurch.com/

Join us at 10:00 a.m. on the Facebook page for a live video. The sermon recording will also be uploaded to the website.


During this time, we will also add a devotion each week to the church schedules.

Psalm 72:19 by Pastor Rick Bartek
Blessed be his glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with his glory! Amen and Amen!

We all live our lives for a name. The question that all of us must answer is whose name do we live for? Because of our broken sinful hearts, our propensity is to live for our own name, glory, and little kingdoms. The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans explains that we traded the glory of God for the glory created things (see Romans chapter 1). Paul goes on to say that we are self-seeking and do not obey the truth (see Rom 2:8). This is the state of humanity, and because of our sinful nature, we end up striving towards our own rule and reign while living for the glory of our own name. 

In Psalm 72, we see the prayer of Solomon asking God to empower the royal dynasty of King David. Solomon, in this psalm, is proclaiming the promise that God had made to his father David.  In this, God promised that He would establish a house through David’s offspring.  This house would be built for God’s name to establish his everlasting kingdom (see 2 Sam 7:12-16).  It reveals that God’s promised offspring would rule in justice and righteousness (vv. 1-4) throughout future generations (vv. 5-7) with dominion over the whole earth (vv. 8-11).  This future King would rule with compassion towards the needy while gaining prosperity for His throne (vv. 12-17). When this promise is fulfilled and this kingdom is fully established, then all the peoples of the earth will acknowledge and give rightful honor to this King’s name.

Enter into the story Jesus, who was born through David’s line to be the promised King. Yet in an unlikely way, this King didn’t come to live in a palace or to eat from a silver spoon, but humbly emptied Himself to be oppressed for the oppressed. Jesus served us in our deepest need so that the weak might be made strong. Through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, He was highly exalted (see Philippians 2:1-11). For all those who receive this King and believe in His name, He gave the right to be the children of God (see John 1:12). 

King Jesus has now been given all authority in heaven and on earth. In that authority, Jesus has given His followers a new mission to make disciples, baptizing them in His name (see Matthew 28:16-20). For you and me as believers living on mission, we too are able to join in the celebratory shout of Psalm 72 and cry out, “Blessed be His glorious name forever; may the whole earth be filled with His glory! Amen and Amen!”