Home School HCS Week in Review March 16-21, 2020

HCS Week in Review March 16-21, 2020


What an unprecedented week it’s been. School was in session Monday and Tuesday this week. On Monday, Governor Pete Rickets announced that all schools should be ready to be closed and move to distance learning in some form by the end of the week due to concerns about spreading COVID-19. Heartland closed at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17, and will remain closed through March 27, at which point the school closure will be reevaluated.

Teachers and Administrators have been working diligently this week on preparation for online learning; what forms it will take, what it will look like, and how to reach all students. The kitchen staff has been working on menu items that will be available to all students beginning Friday, March 20 as a sack lunch pick-up. Included in each bag will be a sack lunch for the day and a breakfast item for the following morning.

To find the latest information from the school, click the following links:

Video update from Superintent Brad Best
Food pick-up update

For further updates, please continue to follow the updates page on Heartland Beat and on the Heartland Community School Facebook page.

One activity that was able to go on in a partial matter was the school play scheduled for March 26 & 27. On Monday evening this week, the cast and crew of “Clue” video-taped a performance to be shown via livestream to ticket holders at a later date. A password protected livestream will be sent to ticket holders when this is released. Tickets can still be purchased at brownpapertickets.com. We hold out hope that they will still be able to give a live performance at a later date. More information will be forthcoming.