Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Jenny Rees

Extension Update by Jenny Rees


Upcoming Events:
Jan. 13: Crop Production Clinic, Norfolk
Jan. 14: Crop Production Clinic, York
Jan. 15: Crop Production Clinic, Mead
Jan. 15: Landlord/Tenant Lease Meeting, 1-4 p.m., Fairgrounds Clay Center
Jan. 16: Beef Profit Tips, 1 p.m., Fairgrounds, Albion
Jan. 20: Crop Science Investigation for youth: soil sample analysis, 5 p.m., 4-H Bldg York, RSVP jrees2@unl.edu
Jan. 20: Pesticide Training, 6:30 p.m., 4-H Bldg, York
Jan. 21: Chemigation Training, 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds, Central City
Jan. 22: Horsemen’s Update 2020, A211 Animal Science East Campus, RSVP: 402-472-6414
Jan. 22: Pesticide Training, 10 a.m., Community Center, Davenport 
Jan. 22: Pesticide Training, 1 & 6:30 p.m., ENREC near Mead
Jan. 22: Dicamba Training, 2 p.m., Community Center, Davenport
Jan. 22-23: Nebraska Crop Management Conf., Kearney
Jan. 23-24: Good Farmer, Great Manager, 4-H Building, York, RSVP 402-362-5508
Jan. 23: Pesticide Training, 9 a.m., ENREC near Mead
Jan. 23: Pesticide Training 9 a.m. & 1 p.m., Fairgrounds, Clay Center
Jan. 23: Dicamba Training, 6 p.m., Fairgrounds, Clay Center
Jan. 24: Chemigation Training, 1:30 p.m., Courthouse Meeting Room, Hebron
Jan. 27: Pesticide Training, 9:30 a.m. & 2 p.m., 4-H Center Fairgrounds, Seward
Jan. 27: Dicamba Training, 5 p.m., 4-H Center Fairgrounds, Seward
Jan. 28: Cow-Calf College, 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (Reg. 9:30), US Meat Animal Research Center near Clay Center, RSVP: (402) 759-3712
Jan. 28: Ag Day, 9 a.m., Fairgrounds, Central City
Jan. 28-29: No-Till on the Plains Conference, Wichita, KS
Jan. 28, 30, Feb. 4, 6: Know Your Options, Know Your Numbers, 1 p.m. Extension Office Fullerton
Jan. 29: Nebraska Extension Weed Science School, 8:45 a.m., ENREC near Mead
Jan. 29: Pesticide Training, 9 a.m., Extension Office, Hastings
Jan. 29: Pesticide Training, 10 a.m. & 2 p.m., Auditorium, Nelson
Jan. 29: Dicamba Training, 12 p.m., Extension Office, Hastings
Jan. 29: Nutrient Mgmt and Precision Ag Clinic, 1 p.m., Ag Park, Columbus
Jan. 29: Pesticide Training, 1 p.m., Sokol Hall, Wilber
Jan. 29: Dicamba Training, 6 p.m., Auditorium, Nelson
Jan. 30: Sorghum Symposium, NCTA Curtis
Jan. 30: Starting an Organic Grain Farming Operation: What you Need to Know, ENREC near Mead
Jan. 30: Land Application Training (Initial at 9 a.m., Recertification at 1 p.m.), Library, Geneva
Jan. 30: Dicamba Training, 10 a.m., Fairgrounds, Central City
Jan. 30: Dicamba Training, Noon, Fairgrounds, Bladen

Great to see and meet so many at the York Ag Expo last week! And, to the 156 of you who attended pesticide training, thank you again for your kindness and grace with the packed room and overflow to the hallway. Sharing this week on February upcoming ag programs and adding the flyers to https://jenreesources.com.

Jan. 28th is the Farmers and Ranchers Cow-Calf College at the US Meat Animal Research Center near Clay Center. Registration begins at 9:30 a.m. with program beginning at 9:55 a.m. Topics include: Forage Sampling, Understanding Annual Cow Costs, Questions to Ask Your Vet before Calving Season, Blockchains: Connecting Consumers with their Food (IMI Global), and Alternative Meats and Alternative Statistics: What the data says. There is no charge and meal is provided. It’s best to pre-register to save time and you can do so at https://go.unl.edu/frcollegereg. You can also RSVP at (402) 759-3712.

Feb. 4 is the Hamilton County Ag Day at the fairgrounds in Aurora (Reg. at 9 a.m. with program beginning at 9:30 a.m.). Attendance at this event qualifies for UBBNRD nitrogen management training. Many have asked about nitrogen research and this event is geared towards providing that. Topics include: In-season nitrogen application, management to reduce nitrate leaching, fertigation equipment & procedures for in-season management, crop nutrients from manure, cover crops and nitrogen management, optimum irrigation application, on-farm research for evaluating N management, land rental considerations for 2020, in addition to updates from Nebraska Corn and USDA. There is no charge.

Feb. 13 is the Nebraska Cover Crop Conference near Mead with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. and program from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. This year’s focus is on interseeding cover crops into corn/soybean. Loran Steinlage from Iowa will share what he’s doing with 60” row spacings and keeping something growing in his fields 365 days of the year. Noah Seim from Merrick County (30” rows for a few years) and Jay Goertzen from York County (36” rows for 1 year) both have interseeding projects with Nebraska on-farm research and will share their experiences. Additional Topics/Speakers include: Finding the right fit with cover crops (Abbey Wick from NDSU), Selling cover crop seed in Nebraska (Steve Knox with Nebraska Crop Improvement), Accelerating soil health adoption by quantifying economic and environmental outcomes (Brian Brandt, Ohio), Review of cover crop demonstrations in the Central Platte NRD (Dean Krull), Cover crops by helicopter: FAQ (Brent Wulf, Hexagon Helicopters, Inc.), and Soil Health (Aaron Hird, NRCS). There is no charge for this event including meal and it’s a large event. Registration is required by Feb. 7. More info. and register at: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/enre/nebraska-cover-crop-conference/ or 402-624-8030.

Nebraska On-Farm Research Updates: Believing in the value of on-farm research, these are among my favorite meetings each year! These meetings give you an opportunity to hear from your peers regarding research they’re trying in cooperation with Nebraska Extension. We often wouldn’t have research on topics many of you ask me about if it wasn’t for our on-farm research cooperators, so I’m grateful to them! Dates include: Feb. 18 at Holiday Inn Express in Beatrice, Feb. 19 near Mead at ENREC, Feb. 20 in Norfolk at the Extension Office, Feb. 26 in Kearney at the Extension Office, and Feb. 28 in York at the Holthus Convention Center. The Feb. 28 meeting in York will be unique focusing only on cover crop and soil health research and that meeting also qualifies for UBBNRD nitrogen management training. Each meeting runs from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (registration at 8:30 a.m.). Meal is included and there’s no cost thanks to our partnerships with Nebraska Corn, Soybean, and Dry Bean Boards and Growers’ Associations. Please pre-register at least 2 days in advance for meal planning purposes to: onfarm@unl.edu or 402-624-8030.