Home Events Spring Fling 2019: Building a Legacy

Spring Fling 2019: Building a Legacy


Building a Legacy is the theme for this year’s Spring Fling, which is in its 12th year.  This event is a fundraiser to support our local health care facility, sponsored by the Henderson Health Care Foundation. This year the proceeds will go toward the long term care center building project.  The need for a new facility that meets the needs of our local aging residents arises due to the age of the existing building, changes in regulations, and the desire to improve both resident and staff satisfaction. This new 40-bed nursing facility will have many desirable amenities, including in-room showers, therapy room, library, and two living/dining areas with fireplaces, an outdoor courtyard, extra space for family gatherings, and much more.

The Spring Fling Committee has been planning an evening that they hope will be enjoyable for everyone.  Lowell Siebert will be hosting the evening as Master of Ceremonies.  An Italian style menu is being prepared by Ashley Freeman, Director of Nutrition Services at HHCS along with the help of other staff members.  

We will have an update on the progress of the building project as well as a special award that is being given.  Our entertainment for the evening will be The House Band. The Band consists of members, Lynn Hall, Ted Krehbiel, Ashton Brown, and Jay & Marilyn Kroeker.   

Don’t forget your checkbooks, as you may want to purchase tickets for the raffle items that are being gathered.  Two favorites, “Dining Out” and “Movie Night” are making a return showing.  Auctioneer Ross Ronne will be in charge of the live auction.  Many excellent items will be in the line up this year including Arlyce Friesen’s famous apple prieska and other home baked items, Husker sporting event tickets, a 14 kt Gold & diamond pendant with ¼ carat chocolate diamond necklace, an original print by artist Ann Williams, a former Henderson resident, and a 5×5 foot Wooden Barn Quilt hand crafted by Loren Huber, and many other great items for your choosing.   

The Spring Fling is an event that everyone can enjoy and feel comfortable attending.  So plan on attending Spring Fling 2019 “Building a Legacy”, to relax and enjoy an exceptional evening in the company of good friends, all while supporting an important project for your community! 

The Spring Fling will be held at the Bethesda Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall on Saturday February 16th (this weekend).  Doors open at 5:30 with the auction preview and raffle ticket sales being held at this time along with appetizers being served; dinner will follow at 6:15.  

Tickets may be purchased at the Henderson State Bank, Cornerstone Bank, and Headquarters Salon. Tables of eight may be reserved by calling 723-5701 or texting 402-363-9127.  Tickets may be bought at the door, but you are encouraged to purchase them in advance.