Home News Tickets on Sale for 2019 Spring Fling

Tickets on Sale for 2019 Spring Fling


The Henderson Health Care Foundation is excited to announce that they will once again be hosting the Spring Fling! The date has been set for February 16, 2019, and will take place at the Bethesda Fellowship Hall.

For those of you who are new to this event it is a fundraiser that consists of a raffle, four course meal, entertainment, and an auction.

Proceeds will go toward the long term care center building project. The need for a new facility that meets the needs of our local aging residents arises due to the age of the existing building, changes in regulations, and the desire to improve both resident and staff satisfaction. This new 40-bed nursing facility will have many desirable amenities, including in-room showers, therapy room, library, two living/dining areas with fireplaces, an outdoor courtyard, extra space for family gatherings, and much more.

The cost of the project is eight million dollars. A goal of raising one million dollars has been set. Approximately 725,000 has been raised so far.

Please mark February 16 on your calendars for the Spring Fling 2019 Building a Legacy as we would love to see you there! Tickets will go on sale January 21st and will be available at the Henderson State Bank, Cornerstone Bank, and The Headquarters Salon.