Home Events Tabor College Choir to Perform at Henderson MB Church

Tabor College Choir to Perform at Henderson MB Church


The Tabor College Concert Choir is getting ready to begin its annual spring tour and will make its first tour stop at Henderson MB Church. During March 16-23, the choir will travel to four different states to perform. Each year the choir travels during spring break and this year will visit churches in Kansas, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Nebraska.

Under the theme “Adoration,” the ensemble will explore what it means to adore God and Christ through song. The choir’s repertoire spans music from Gregorian chant to the Renaissance and Baroque eras, to texts and arrangements of early and modern American hymns. The music of choral giants William Byrd, Palestrina and Heinrich Schütz is programed, along with Dan Forrest’s “Cantate Canticum Novum,” and Elaine Hagenberg’s setting of the hymn “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go.”

“Choir tour is the highlight of the choir’s work each year, and the students enjoy the opportunity to travel, minister through song, meet new people, and learn to know other members of the choir in new and deeper ways,” said Brad Vogel, director of choir and professor of music. “I enjoy watching the choir mature musically and spiritually during the tour, and am always encouraged by the ways in which they bless and enrich our audiences by giving themselves to this work.”

The Henderson MB Church invites everyone to the performance of “Adoration” next Friday, March 16th at 7:00 p.m.  This event is open to the public.