Home News Agriculture So You’ve Inherited a Farm, Now What?

So You’ve Inherited a Farm, Now What?


So You’ve Inherited a Farm, Now What?
From Extension Educator Jenny Rees

Anyone that owns farmland may want to participate in this seminar to be provided information and education about that ownership.  Learn management strategies for this asset by attending this seminar in various places across Nebraska as listed at the end of this article.    

Participants can use this 2 ½ hour workshop to learn about: Am I keeping the farm, or selling it? How do I manage a farm? If leasing, what are key lease provisions?  What legal considerations do I have with this decision? And, how do we manage family communications and expectations when other family is involved?

“I am contacted monthly from citizens who have had their parents pass away, and now they are managing a farm for the first time in their lives,” said Allan Vyhnalek, Extension Educator and event speaker.  “They may have even grown up there, but haven’t been around for 30 or 40 years, and need to understand that farming practices and management concepts have changed.”  Vyhnalek continued. 

Pre-registration is requested by two days prior to the event.  Advance registration is requested to insure enough handouts for the program.  This program is offered free and open to the public with funding provided by the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center and USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture under award number 2015-49200-24226. 

The program is being provided by Allan Vyhnalek, and Jim Jansen, Extension Educators from Nebraska Extension.  They provide the farm land management education for eastern Nebraska.

For more information or assistance, please contact Allan Vyhnalek, Extension Educator, Farm Succession or Jim Jansen, Extension Economist for Northeast Nebraska.  Allan is at phone: 402-472-1771 or e-mail avyhnalek2@unl.edu; Jim is at 402-261-7572 or e-mail jjansen4@unl.edu .

So You’ve Inherited a Farm, So now what? – Dates and locations, Fall, 2017

Date Location City Start Time Contact to Register

Nov. 2 Prairie Winds Comm. Ctr. Bridgeport 9:00 a.m. 308-632-1247

Nov. 6 Hall County Extension Grand Island 9:30 a.m. 308-385-5088

Nov 8 Ella Missing Comm. Bldg. Arapahoe 10:00 a.m. 308-268-3105

Nov. 9 Holt County Ext. Office O’Neill 1:00 p.m. 402-336-2760

Nov. 10 4-H Building Auburn 1:30 p.m. 402-274-4755

Nov. 13 -4-H Building York 1:30 p.m. 402-362-5508

Nov. 20 -Community Center Scribner 1:30 p.m. 402-727-2775

Nov. 20 – Madison Co. Extension, LLC Norfolk 6:30 p.m. 402-370-4040

Nov. 21 – Fire Hall Wayne 9:30 a.m. 402-375-3310

Dec. 4 – Cass Co. Extension Weeping Water 9:30 a.m. 402-267-2205

Dec. 5 – 1st Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, Wilber 1:00 p.m. 402-821-2151

Dec. 7 – Buffalo County Ext. Kearney 1:00 p.m. 308-236-1235

Dec. 14- NE Community College So. Sioux City 6:30 p.m. 402-987-2140

Dec. 19- Extension Office North Platte 9:30 a.m. 308-532-2683

Dec. 20 – Crossroads Wesleyan Church Imperial 9:00 a.m. 308-882-4731