Home News Heartland to Perform One-Act Play on November 4

Heartland to Perform One-Act Play on November 4


The Heartland One-Act Team has been working hard on their submission for competition at conference on November 14 and districts (date TBD).

They will be giving their play “Tracks” to the public on Saturday, November 4, at 7:00 p.m.

“Tracks” by Peter Tarsi tells the story of a group of strangers who meet in a dirty subway station. As they converse together, they notice strange things such as stopped watches and limited personal belongings. They also soon realize there is no way out of the station. What does this mean and how this this affect their lives, or in this case, possibly their deaths and the question of an after-life? Will they have faith to climb aboard the next train to their final destination?

Come out and support these student’s artistic talents!

Information and photo from the school Facebook page