Home News Help Start the Henderson Child Development Center

Help Start the Henderson Child Development Center


Everything is falling into place as details come together for the Henderson Child Development Center (HCDC) opening this spring. With family applications coming in for daycare, a director hired and staff being interviewed, the HCDC Board is planning two workdays at Grace Children’s Home Ranch House, 1416B Birch Street, to prepare the house for children. Jobs that will need to be done include inside and outside work: setting up a fence, paining the main area, kitchen and two rooms, general cleaning, and shampooing the carpets. The work will happen from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday, March 10 and Saturday, March 11.  Anyone and everyone is welcome to come help for as little or as much of the time as they want over the course of the two days. If you are planning to help during the workdays, please let us know so we can prepare for the day by email HendersonCDC@gmail.com or calling 402-723-4228.    

Once the house is set up, the HCDC Board will be accepting donations for tools, supplies, and toys at the daycare on Sunday, March 12, between 1:00-4:00 p.m. To avoid donation overlap, here is a list of items that are still needed.

If you would like to donate one or a few of these items, please let our director know by emailing: HendersonCDC@gmail.com or calling 402-723-4228.

Thank you to those who have helped already made donations through time, resources or money. If you are interested in making a monetary donation, you can do so through the Henderson Community Foundation at PO Box 116, Henderson NE, 68371. Make sure HCDC is in the memo of your check.Â