Home Sports Boys Basketball Basketball: Heartland Boys Fell in First Round of State Tournament

Basketball: Heartland Boys Fell in First Round of State Tournament [STATS]


The Heartland boys stepped on the court at Lincoln East on Thursday morning to compete in the first round of the D1 Boys State Basketball Tournament. Facing Lutheran High from Norfolk, the game got off to a quick start. The Huskies struggled to keep up with the Eagles in the first half. The team seemed to find their footing in the second half, but they were unable to close the point deficit from the first two quarters.

The boys ended their season with a 14-9 season record. Graduating this year from the team will be seniors Ben Driewer and Austin Stuhr.



Individual scoring: L. Huebert 16, K. Ott 4, A. Buller 3, J. Regier 3, A. Stuhr 2, B. Driewer 2