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Extension Update from Megan Burda: Put a Little 4-H in Your New Year


Put a Little 4-H in Your New Year

Many of us look to make New Year resolutions during this time of year. Have you picked yours yet? I could say that I want to eat healthy, exercise more or learn a new language. Each of those things would be good to focus on in 2017, but why not take a more holistic approach to resolutions this year? Only focusing on one area in life will get you good results in just that area. In order to feel balanced, we need to focus on multiple dimensions in life. It is not a coincidence that 4-H is built on a foundation of 4 dimensions, Head, Heart, Hands and Health. Plus, the 4-H motto is “To Make the Best Better”. With that in mind, here are some tips to make yourself better in 2017.

Head to Clearer Thinking

One of the key concepts of 4-H is education – learn by doing. Mentally challenge yourself this year.

  • Learn a new skill – take an online or continuing education class
  • Go to school – finish that degree or start a new one
  • Get organized – a clear space equals a clear mind

Heart to Greater Loyalty

In 4-H, youth are taught to be reliable and loyal in order to understand what is means to take responsibility for their projects and to follow through. 

    • Make family time count – be intentional and put away distractions in order to make deeper connections with the ones you love.
    • Give compliments – show coworkers that you care by recognizing them
    • Random Acts of Kindness – once a week, do something nice for someone you don’t know. 

Hands to Larger Service

Part of 4-H is teaching youth the importance of serving the community, country and world. Think about ways that you could give back locally.

  • Become a Mentor –share quality time with local youth through programs like TeamMates
  • Be a Club Leader – do you have specific skills that kids would like to learn? Start a new 4-H club or help an existing one using your expertise

Health to Better Living

Making sure to take care of yourself is the best way to ensure that you will have the energy and drive to accomplish your goals in 2017.

  • Take care of yourself – get plenty of sleep, drink water and when it comes to healthy eating, think portion control
  • Stay connected – research suggests that people with strong social ties live longer. So, be social and spend time with friends.
  • Cut out stress – get back to focusing on the most important things in life. Take a vacation, keep a journal or connect spiritually.

Keep in mind that it is not enough to just tell people your plans for the New Year. Seeing results requires action. I find that the best way to commit to something is to schedule it in. Not only will that give you a visual reminder, it will also help you realize that you really do have the time to accomplish these goals. Best of luck in making yourself better in 2017. Happy New Year!

Upcoming Events:
4-H Leader Training
Monday, January 9
Extension Office 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Ready for another fun-filled year of 4-H? The York County Extension Staff invites all area 4-H volunteers to attend an interactive training to kick-off the 2017 4-H program. This meeting will feature information contained in the new 4-H Policy Handbook.  All 4-H volunteers across the state are required to know the details of this policy. Attendance by at least one leader from each club is necessary. All 4-H parents are encouraged to attend as information shared will be helpful in shaping each 4-H member’s plans for the year. Please RSVP by calling the Extension Office before January 5. If you have questions regarding the meeting, please contact Megan Burda at mburda2@unl.edu.

4-H Kick-Off
“Growing True Leaders”
Sunday, February 19th
Cornerstone Building

Let’s Kick-Off a new year of 4-H! All current and potential 4-H members are welcome to attend. The event will showcase 4-H projects, information on the upcoming year, games and 4-H fun. This year’s theme is Growing True Leaders. All attendees will be invited to participate in multiple mini projects to get a taste of 4-H. There will be balloons, pictures with Lil’ Green, inflatables and much more!