Home Living Health HHC Wellness Challenge

HHC Wellness Challenge


Henderson Health Care is hosting a 12-week Wellness Challenge with monthly prizes and cash prizes for the winning teams. Weigh-ins will be held January 5 & 6, 8:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. at Henderson Health Care or Sutton Family Practice. Each team needs to consist of 2 people. The entry fee is $30 per team with all entry money being paid out to the winning teams. Winning teams will be decided on percentage of weight lost and cash prizes will be awarded in 3 categories: men, women and mixed.

All Wellness Challenge participants will receive a 1-month membership to the HHC Wellness Center.

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Questions? Please contact Valerie at (402) 723-4512, vnunnenkamp@hendersonhealth.org.
