Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [March 3, 2016]


Coming Events

March 2, Business Succession & Estate Planning Workshop, 10:00 a.m., Fairgrounds, Geneva registration call: 1-800-464-0258 or 402-759-3712

March 4, Private Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds, 4-H Building, York   

March 7, 8, 14, & 15, Hunter Education Classes, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. 4-H Building, York

March 11, Chemigation Training, 1:00 p.m., 4-H Building York

March 14, Farmers/Ranchers College, 5:30 p.m. Stone Creek, McCool Jct. registration call 402-759-3712

March 21, 22, 28, & 29, Bow Hunter Education Classes, 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. 4-H Building, York

Nebraska Ag Water Management Network Conference

Updates on irrigation engineering tools and research on new irrigation technologies, variable rate irrigation and fertigation fundamentals and cover crops will be the focus of the Nebraska Ag Water Management Network Conference that will be held her in York on Thursday, March 10th.  It will be at the Holthus Convention Center, located at 3130 Holen Avenue in York, and will run from 9:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m., with registration beginning at 9:15 a.m.

Producers, crop consultants, NRD, DNR, NRCS, irrigation districts and other professionals are invited to attend.  Participants are encouraged to share their experiences that have helped make the Nebraska Ag Water Management Network (NAWMN) successful and any ideas they have for growing the network.

Topics that will be covered include:

Update on status of the NAWMN

Water-related smart phone apps & Z-Mag Ag Water Management Guide

Automated Water Use Database Project

Cover Crop Research

NRD Update

Update from the Upper Big Blue NRD CropTip

Underground Wireless Sensor Update & Soil Moisture Sensor Research Update

Variable Rate Irrigation Science and Engineering and Variable Rate Fertigation Research

The NAWMN goal is to transfer high quality research information to producers to use water and energy resources more efficiently for crop production and to enhance crop water productivity. Started in 2005 with 15 collaborators, NAWMN has now grown to nearly 1400 collaborators who implement cutting-edge water management technologies/practices taught in the Network.

The fundamental objective of the NAWMN has been to integrate science, research and education/outreach principles to provide citizens best information available to help them to make better-informed decisions in their irrigation management practices, which contributes to the Land-Grant Mission of UNL. The practices/procedures taught in the NAWMN have been based on the scientific and research-based information led by UNL-IANR professor Dr. Suat Irmak.

There is no cost to attend; lunch will be provided but we ask participants to RSVP for planning purposes by March 7th to Jenny Rees at the Clay County Office Extension Office at 402-762-3644 or the York Extension Office at 402-362-5508. I hope to see you there!

York County Corn Grower Varity Comparison Plot Planned

Just a reminder to all area seed representatives that the 2016 York County Corn Grower plot will again be on the Ray and Ron Makovicka farm located East of York. All interested seed corn companies are invited to participate. If you know of a company that we should invite, please email me the contact information and I’ll get them entry information. We want as many companies as possible represented. 

Entries as due today March 1! For information, call or text me at 402-326-8185 or email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu and I will be glad to get you the needed information.

Chemigation Certification Planned

Troy Ingram, Extension Educator from Central City will be conducting Chemigation training here in York in the 4-H Building on March 11th at 1:00 p.m. If you need study materials stop by the Extension Office located at 2345 Nebraska Av. to pick them up. Participants will need to pass a 50 question test, so a little preparation will not hurt. Other chemigation dates across Nebraska can be found at: http://water.unl.edu/cropswater/chemigation.

Hunter and Bow Hunter Education Classes Planned

I mentioned it last week, but I’ll do it again. Danny Barrett will be conducting classes for hunters and bow hunters during the month of March here in York in the 4-H Building. Sessions for Hunter Education will be held from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. the evenings of March 7, 8, 14 and 15 while Bow Hunter Education classes will be March 21, 22, 28 and 29. Dan has been teaching these sessions for a long time and does a great job teaching safe handling of equipment and hunter ethics.

Those interested need to go online to register at: www.HuntSafeNebraska.org. For more information you can contact Dan at 402-366-4380. 

Farmers/Ranchers College Program Offered

Brandy also share another upcoming Farmers/Ranchers College program planned for March 14. The program “Overcoming Challenges with Succession Planning for Families” with Dr. Ron Hanson, Professor of Agribusiness in the UNL Ag Econ Department. This program will be held at the Stone Creek in McCool Junction on March 14 with registration at 5:30 p.m., meal at 6:00 p.m. with program to follow. There is no charge for this program but please RSVP for a meal county to Fillmore County Extension at (402) 759-3712.

Beekeeping Short Courses Planned

Are interested in beekeeping? Introductory Beekeeping Short Courses will be offered by the University of Nebraska Cooperative Extension on:

Saturday March 12, 2016 from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at the ARDC Christenson Agricultural Research Education Building near Mead, Nebraska

Registration is due March 3rd and is $35 and includes lunch, breaks and a work book.

Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at the West Central Research & Extension Center in North Platte, NE.

Registration is due April 4th and is $35 and includes lunch, breaks, and a work book.

Advanced Beekeeping: Pests & Disease Diagnostics will be offered Saturday, June 25th from 9a-4p at the ARDC Christenson Agricultural Research Education Building near Mead, Nebraska.

Registration is due June 13th and is $30 and includes lunch, breaks, and a work book.

Instructors will include Judy Wu-Smart, Marion Ellis, Erin Ingram, Natalia Bjorklund, and Warren Nelson. For more information: http://entomology.unl.edu/2016beeworkshops.pdf

To register send a check and your contact information to:

Jeri Cunningham, Department of Entomology, University of Nebraska, 103 Entomology Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0816 Phone: 402-472-2123 Email: jcunningham1@unl.edu

My Final Column

As I prepare this, my final column, on the last day of February, I want to thank the many farmers, gardeners and 4-H families I’ve been involved with over the years. I’ve had a great time sharing agricultural, 4-H, gardening and other hopefully timely information over the many years. I hope some of the tips and research based information that I’ve shared has made a difference in your lives.Â