Home Events Breakthrough Winter Bible Conference

Breakthrough Winter Bible Conference


Screen Shot 2016-02-09 at 3.08.20 PMFaith Evangelical Bible Church of Henderson is hosting a “Breakthrough Winter Bible Conference” March 12-13.

Featured speaker will be Jeff Anderson of Acceptable Gift.  Jeff is an author, speaker, teacher, advisor to churches and non-profit organizations, and a financial mentor to many. He and his wife, Stephanie live in Tulsa, Oklahoma with their four children:  Austin, Cade, Gunnar and Autumn. Jeff has a gift for seeing “ordinary” scriptural truths in fresh new ways, and challenging people to expect more from their journey with God. He combines solid biblical research with application to our everyday lives. At the conference Jeff will be sharing insights from his most recent book Divine Applause. 

The conference will kick off at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 12.  Jeff will then lead two sessions: The first from 4:00-4:45; and the second from 5:00-5:45. At 6:00 p.m. there will be a fellowship supper. On Sunday morning, March 13, Jeff will speak at 9:30 and 10:30. He will speak again in the evening at 6:00. You are invited to come and experience a breakthrough in your walk with God.