Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [February 4, 2016]


Coming Events

Feb. 12, 8:00 a.m. Registration Wilber Crop Clinic, Sokol Hall Wilber

Feb. 17, Private Pesticide Training, 9:00 a.m., Fairgrounds, York

Feb. 23, Private Pesticide Training, 6:30 p.m., Fairgrounds, York

Feb. 23-24, Central Plains Irrigation Conference, Holiday Inn, Kearney, NE http://centralplainsirrigationassociation.org/Conference_Brochure.html

March 4, Private Pesticide Training, 1:30 p.m., Fairgrounds, York  

March 11, Chemigation Training, 1:00 p.m., 4-H Building York

IRS Farmer’s Tax Guides

I failed to include this earlier, but over the years I’ve hauled the IRS Farmer’s Tax Guides from the UNL East Campus warehouse and had them at our office and some banks. The IRS will not be printing the Farmer’s Tax Guides any longer. You may access this guide on a computer and changes for 2016 at the following link: https://www.irs.gov/uac/About-Publication-225

Nebraska On-Farm Research Updates Planned

Variable rate seeding, seed treatments, cover crops, and fungicide applications are among the research topics to be presented at the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network programs this February.

Growers will share results from the on-farm research they conducted in 2015 in field-length, replicated treatment comparisons.

The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network is a statewide, on-farm research program that addresses critical farmer production, profitability, and natural resource questions. The on-farm research projects are conducted on Nebraska farms by Nebraska farmers using their equipment. The research is in partnership with University of Nebraska faculty and sponsored by Nebraska Extension in partnership with the Nebraska Corn Growers Association, the Nebraska Corn Board, and the Nebraska Soybean Board.

Research projects to be discussed include:

•variable rate seeding,

•planting populations,

•Maize-N nitrogen rate decision tool for sidedress nitrogen,

•starter fertilizer,

•fungicide applications,

•row spacing,

•cover crops,

•foliar micronutrients,

•seed treatments (including new treatment for Sudden Death Syndrome), and others.

Project SENSE  (Sensors for Efficient Nitrogen Use and Stewardship of the Environment)  also will be discussed.  This is a special three-year research initiative focusing on using crop canopy sensors to direct variable-rate, in-season nitrogen application to improve the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization in corn.

Certified Crop Advisor Credits are applied for and pending upon approval.

The event is free, but preregistration is requested for meal planning purposes. Call (402) 624-8000 or e-mail onfarm@unl.edu to register for any site.  These are one of the best sessions of the year I attend.  I hope you can attend.

Private Pesticide Applicator Training and Chemigation Training

I did not think I was going to be doing Private Applicator Training again this year but will be doing sessions in York and Seward this month and a couple in March.  I’ve got my sessions listed in my coming events.  For a complete list of all training sessions go to: http://pested.unl.edu/. Other chemigation dates can be found at: http://water.unl.edu/cropswater/chemigation.

Wilber Crop Clinic Planned

“Practical, Profitable and Environmentally Sound Solutions for Agriculture” is the theme for the 2016 Wilber Crop Clinic.  It will be held Friday, February 12 at Sokol Hall in Wilber. Registration begins at 8:00 a.m. with the program to begin at 9:00 a.m.

Speakers from Nebraska Extension and private industry will cover cutting edge agronomic and management topics.  They include:

9:00 a.m. Latest On-Farm Research with Cover Crops

9:30 a.m. Climate Outlook for 2016

10:00 a.m. Farm Policy Update

10:45 a.m. Are You “N” With Our Recommendations

11:15 a.m. Soybean Cyst Nematodes May be Robbing You

12:00 Noon Lunch

1:00 p.m. $7 Corn’s Gone – Now What?

1:40 p.m. Palmer Amaranth and other Weed Issue Headed Our Way

2:15 p.m. Door Prizes

Randy’s got some great sessions planned!

Central Plains Irrigation Conference

The Central Plains Irrigation Conference will be held February 23-24 at the Holiday Inn in Kearney.  This conference rotates between Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado each year and has the latest irrigation research updates each year.  Topics include: testing water meters, crop water management based on canopy temperature, variable rate frequency drives, longevity of SDI, new sprinkler options, impact of tillage practices on ET and crop productivity, soil water sensor technology evaluation, irrigation strategies for limited water, economics and water productivity for corn affected by irrigation and nitrogen, automated irrigation water use data base, cover crop ET and crop coefficients and impact on water balance, drought tolerant corn response to water in Nebraska, perspectives on VRI prescription map development, challenges and opportunities for site-specific irrigation management, and many more.  For more information or to register and or view the full program go to:  http://centralplainsirrigationassociation.org/Conference_Brochure.html.