Home Events HHCS Jr. Auxiliary Scrapbooking Night

HHCS Jr. Auxiliary Scrapbooking Night



Here’s a great opportunity for scrapbookers and those who like to make online photo books to have at it all night! The HHCS Jr. Auxiliary is sponsoring a Scrapbooking Night on Friday, February 12, from 1:00 PM – 11:00 PM at the Bethesda Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall. 

While working on your chosen project, a delicious soup buffet, snacks, desserts, and drinks are provided to enjoy. There also will be chair massages available during the evening and several door prizes given away. The registration fee is $25 and covers everything. 

Close to My Heart vendor Jane Jost will be displaying and selling many scrapbook products as well. Those who want to work on computer photo projects will have access to the Internet at the event. 

This fundraiser will support a variety of Henderson Health Care projects. For additional information contact Jerri Janzen at 402-723-4966 or email jbjanzen@mainstaycomm.net.