Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [November 5, 2015]


Coming Events

Nov. 17, 1:00 p.m., Cornhusker Economics Outlook Meeting, Holthus Convention Center, 3130 Holen Avenue, York, NE 68467, Call 402-362-5508 to register.

Nov. 18, 9:30 a.m., Post-Harvest Grain Marketing Workshop, Hastings, Adams County Fairgrounds, 947 S. Baltimore Ave., Call 402-461-7209 to register.

Nov. 19, 6:30 p.m., York Corn Grower Banquet, Chances R, York, NE. Obtain tickets from Corn Grower Board of Directors or Extension Office 402-362-5508

Nov. 24, 9:30 a.m., Post-Harvest Grain Marketing Workshop, Davenport, Little Blue Natural Resources District, 106 N. Juniper Ave..  Call 402-762-3644

Post-Harvest Grain Marketing Workshops Planned

Now that much of the crop is our have you finalized your marketing plans?  Nebraska Extension will be offering ten post-harvest grain marketing workshops across Nebraska in November and December to assist grain producers in creating a custom post-harvest marketing plan.

Extension Educators will present location and commodity-specific marketing information. Topics

Include: developing a written marketing plan and understanding basis and carrying charges. The workshops feature the Marketing in a New Era simulator and Decide NOW smartphone app.

Register by visiting http://go.unl.edu/marketingworkshops or calling the number provided below for the

desired location. Each workshop will begin at 9:30 a.m. and end at 3 p.m. are limited to 40 participants.

Workshops are funded by the Nebraska Soybean Board, Nebraska Corn Board, North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center, USDA-NIFA and Nebraska Extension Innovation Funding.

Workshops in our area include:

Hastings — Nov. 18 at the Adams County Fairgrounds, 947 S. Baltimore Ave., Ron Seymour, 402-461-7209

Davenport — Nov. 24 at the Little Blue Natural Resources District, 106 N. Juniper Ave., Jenny Rees, 402-762-3644

Columbus — Dec. 1 at Pinnacle Bank, 310 E. 23rd St., Allan Vyhnalek, 402-563-4901

Arlington — Dec. 2 at the Washington County Fairgrounds, 23656 Highway 30, Steve Tonn, 402-426-9455

Syracuse — Dec. 10 at the Kimmel Ag Expo Center, 198 Plum St., Monte Vandeveer, 402-269-2301

For more information or assistance, contact Jessica Groskopf, Nebraska Extension educator, at 308-632-1247 or jgroskopf2@unl.edu or the local Extension educator for the site you would like to attend.

Cornhusker Economics Outlook Meetings Planned

York will be the location for one of the series of Cornhusker Economics Outlook Meetings offered by Nebraska Extension and the University of Nebraska Lincoln Department of Agricultural Economics. 

Topics will include:

Kate Brooks, Extension Livestock Economist at UNL will provide outlook and analysis for beef and other livestock producers.

Cory Walters, Extension Crop Economist at UNL will discuss the crop outlook and implications for producers.

Brad Lubben, Extension Policy Specialist at UNL will discuss the ag policy outlook. Beyond the current policy environment in Washington, Lubben will focus on the role of the farm income safety net and the projected support from farm programs and crop insurance for cash flow planning and risk management decision-making.

Tina Barrett, Director of Nebraska Farm Business, Inc. will discuss the farm financial outlook and financial management decisions ahead for producers. Building on data from hundreds of farm cooperators in NFBI, Tina will focus on the current financial position and trends for Nebraska agriculture and the financial management challenges and decisions facing producers, with a focus on budgeting and cost control for the year ahead.

Jay Parsons, Extension Economist at UNL will discuss farm and ranch risk management issues and decisions. Jay will draw on his expertise in risk management to incorporate the marketing, production, policy, and financial discussion into risk management decisions and strategies for producers for 2016.

The agenda is packaged into a 3-hour format to provide producers the best available information and send them home to ready to make 2016 management and marketing decisions.Although there is no cost to participants, pre-registration is encouraged to plan for facilities, refreshments, and materials.  To register for the York session please call 402-362-5508. 

The York session will be held Tuesday, November 17, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. at the Holthus Convention Center, 3130 Holen Avenue, York, NE 68467

Contact: Gary Zoubek, York County Extension – 402-362-5508 or gzoubek1@unl.edu or Brandy VanDeWalle, Fillmore County Extension – 402-759-3712 or bvandewalle2@unl.edu

You can also contact Lubben at 402-472-2235 or blubben2@unl.edu for more information.  It should be a great workshop, so I hope we’ll have a large turnout for this meeting. 

Corn Grower Banquet Planned

As harvest is finishing, I want to remind area producers that the York County Corn Growers have their Annual Banquet planned for Thursday November 19th at 6:30 p.m. at Chances R.  Tickets are very reasonable and can be purchased at the Extension Office or from any of the Board of Directors.   Their contact information is available on their website: http://www.yorkcountycorngrowers.com/ or call the Extension office at 402-362-5508.  I hope you’ll be able to attend,  they gain will have a great LEAD travel seminar presentation.