Home News Editorial Editorial – York County Commissioner Bill Bamesberger

Editorial – York County Commissioner Bill Bamesberger


FullSizeRenderIt’s been two years since my last visit with Heartland Beat, and I must say that many projects, activities, and accomplishments have been achieved since that time in York County.

First of all, I want to update everyone as to who your York County Commissioners are: Jack Sikes, Kurt Bulgrin, Paul Buller, Randy Obermier, and myself, Bill Bamesberger.

The commissioners meet every two weeks to conduct the business of York county. Each commissioner serves as liaison to the board on many other committees. Each member serves on 7 – 8 other committees such as Security and Safety, Blue Valley Community Action, Buildings and Grounds, Road’s Department, Region V, York County Development Corporation, County Relief and many others.

Every 10 years the York County Comprehensive Plan is updated. This gives the county direction for future years. After months of public hearings, meetings and consultant input the updated “Comprehensive Plan, Sub-division and Zoning Regulations” were adopted.

Harvey Keim, York County Highway Superintendent, was hired two years ago to oversee a 32 man workforce in the York County Roads Department. We are thrilled to have Harvey on board as we all strive to maintain good roads in York County. His leadership has proven very valuable.

The annual budget process is always interesting and challenging. With the ever increasing price of ag-land, the valuation of York County as increased to $3.1 billion dollars. With that increase we have been able trim the mill levy for the general fund from .26/$100 of valuation, two years ago, to .13/$100 of valuation for the next fiscal year. It takes approximately $12 million dollars to operate the county for one fiscal year. Half or $6 million comes from property and personal taxes while the balance comes from highway allocation funds, motor vehicle taxes, grants, court fees, user fees and licenses.

We are very fortunate that we live in a prosperous and productive ag and business county. Work place safety is another item we have been looking at carefully. Events and activities that have taken place in the country and the world the last few years has made us all aware that we have to create a safe environment for our employees. The Safety and Security Committee have been looking at ways to keep the York County Courthouse safe for all employees as well as the general public at all times. I’m sure there will be plans implemented in the future to achieve this goal.

A complete new phone system will be installed throughout all county offices in the next few months as the present system has become outdated and also is an maintenance issue.
Technology today has far surpassed the older system. The Keystone XL Pipeline, Probation, Employee Insurance, and many other projects and activities continue to be of interest to the board.

It is an honor to serve on the Board of Commissioners for York County. This is my second year that I have had the privilege of serving as Chairman. The entire Board works well together. We don’t always agree on a specific agenda item at all times, but we always agree to disagree. We are like family and that is what makes it fun to serve. My immediate duty is to serve the 3rd District of York County, but I always keep in mind that I will represent all citizens of York County.

Bill Bamesberger
York County Commissioner
District #3