Home News YCDC Manufacturing Day Event

YCDC Manufacturing Day Event


In celebration of Manufacturing Day 2015, York County Development Corporation has coordinated two separate events for on October 9th, 2015. Manufacturing Day is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of manufacturers.  York County is celebrating on October 9th, 2015 with Industry Tours for Educators and a Salute to Manufacturers.

YCDC and York Public Schools are coordinating Industry Tours for Educators, and are including resource partners and other area schools. Attendees will hear from Agri-Products and tour both Klute, Inc. and Dow AgroSciences. The Industry Tours for Educators will end with Debriefing and Brainstorming back at the YPS District Office.  These businesses are opening their doors on Oct. 9th as part of an effort to change people’s perceptions about today’s manufacturing environment and draw attention to the outstanding opportunities that a career in manufacturing can provide. “We feel it is important for educators to reach out to the business sector to see how we might better prepare our students for the workforce.” – Mike Lucas

The October 9th York Chamber’s Business After Hours will be sponsored by YCDC as a Salute to our Manufacturers. Please join YCDC and the York Chamber on Friday at 5:00 PM in thanking the men and women in the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing is an important economic component to our county. At 6:00 PM the chamber will begin the live auction for the Festival of Color Banners. Ross Ronne from Green Realty & Auction will be on hand to help with the auction. There were 18 artists that participated and will have 34 paintings to auction.

Manufacturing Day is an annual national event executed at the local level, and supported by thousands of manufacturers as they host students, teachers, parents, job seekers and other local community members at open houses, plant tours and presentations designed to showcase modern manufacturing technology and careers.

“Up until a few years ago, the use of computerized controlled machines for manufacturing was thought to be for larger companies only. Today many small companies are adding computer-controlled equipment to their manufacturing equipment in order to remain competitive in the marketplace. This computerization require a skilled workforce with training in the use of computers, programs, and computer controlled manufacturing equipment. Schools need to upgrade their curriculum and coordinate with local companies that need skilled graduates” said Don Freeman, Owner and President, Agri-Products. “The average age of a manufacturing employee is 56, and between now and 2020 there will be an unprecedented shortage of skilled workers who will need to be replaced.”

Manufacturing Day is co-produced by the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA), the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), the Manufacturing Institute (MI), the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), and guest producer Industrial Strength Marketing (ISM). Media partners include the Edge Factor and the Science Channel and the national movie partner is American Made Movie.

About YCDC

The York County Development Corporation is a public-private not-for-profit organization whose mission is to promote and encourage quality economic growth in York County, Nebraska. YCDC works confidentially and offers unbiased, detail and customized information to clients for no fee. YCDC is the lead economic development organization in York, County Nebraska and utilizes a team approach to ensure access to all agencies and programs that can be of assistance to your project. More information on YCDC is available at www.yorkdevco.com. More information on Manufacturing Day is available at www.mfgday.com.