Home News Back to School Night August 18 at Farmer’s Market

Back to School Night August 18 at Farmer’s Market


back to schoolDon’t miss the fun at the Back-to-School Night at the Henderson Farmer’s Market on Tuesday, August 18, from 5:00-7:00 p.m. in the Downtown Park. We want you to come for the meal and stay for the fun. The Henderson Chamber will be serving a Hamburger or Hot Dog meal with chips, a cookie, and drink for $5. Then stick around to play games and win some prizes.

Starting at 5:00 p.m., there will be games you can play at your own pace including:  Ladderball, Spring Fling, Longest Hula Hoop, Football Jackpot, Frisbee Toss, Bean Bag Toss, and Kick the Can. The winner of these games will win a prize awarded at 6:30 p.m.  Activities and games not for prizes include: Making pipe cleaner pencil toppers, Memory, and Bubbles. At 6:30 p.m. we will award prizes at the Band Shell for all of the student winners will hold the Balloon Toss, a teammate game, well as the air head contest.

Don’t miss this fun event as the Henderson Chamber helps you say so long to summer during the Back to School Night at the Henderson Farmer’s Market, Tuesday, August 18, from 5:00-7:00 p.m., in the Downtown Park.   

Kelsey Bergen