Home News Agriculture Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck

Extension Update by Gary Zoubeck [June 25, 2015]


Coming Events

June 30, Tie-Dye T-shirts, 9:30 a.m., Home Ec. Building, York

July 1, Weed Management Field Day, 8:30 a.m., SCAL Lab, Clay Center

July 7 & 8, Rocket Building 101, 1:00 p.m., 4-H Building York

July 13, Clover Kids Animal Camp, 9:00 a.m., 4-H Building, York

July 14, Clover Kitchen, 9:30 a.m., 4-H Building, York

Weed Management Field Day

The South Central Agricultural Laboratory (SCAL) Weed Management Field Day will be held Wednesday July 1st at 9:30 a.m. with rolls and coffee. Program will begin at 9:00 a.m.  SCAL is located 7.5 miles west of Hwy 14 & Hwy 6 Intersection, or 13 miles east of Hastings on Hwy 6.

Tour 1: Will be “Weed Control in Corn”

Stops will include:

1. Comparison of Herbicide Programs for Weed Control in Corn

2. Herbicide Programs in 2,4-D plus glyphosate-resistant Corn (Enlist)

3. Dose response of Acuron applied PRE for Weed control in Corn

4. Anthem Maxx applied PRE in Corn

5. Evaluate Weed Control and Crop Response of Solstice

6. Corvus followed by DiFlexx or Laudis plus DiFlexx for Weed Control in Corn

Tour 2: Will be “Weed Control in Soybeans”

1. Comparison of Herbicide Programs for Weed Control in Soybean

2. Herbicide Programs in Dicamba plus Glyphosate- Resistant Soybean

3. Herbicide Programs in 2,4-D plus Glyphosate-resistant Soybean (Enlist)

4. Weed Control in Isoxaflutole-resistant Soybean (Balance Bean)

5. Authority/ Anthem/ Marvel for Weed Control in Soybean

6. Importance of Soil Residual Herbicides for weed control in Soybean

This should really be a great program, the tours will conclude at noon for lunch.  No cost to attend, but to help with meal planning, please register at: http://agronomy.unl.edu/weedresistmgt.  I plan to attend and hope to see you there.  CCA credits will be available.

Cropping Update

Hopefully you are keeping up with weed control, hilling, sidedressing, harvesting hay and all the other activities that you need to get done and just have not had opportunities to get them done!  We had a little less than an inch of rainfall this past week our official York total is now at 8.74” compared to our normal of average of 4.01”.   

I’ve received a few more questions wondering if or how much nitrogen has moved out of the root zone because of the water movement in the soil profile.  As I drove around the area helping install some Watermark sensors in new cooperators fields I saw many areas of the fields really begin to grow and green up the past few days.  Now the really light green areas are in parts of the field that have had standing water for several days.  We’ve probably had a considerable amount of denitrification occur in those areas.  Other parts of the field the N may have just moved down some.

I know several crop consultants have taken pre-sidedress nitrogen tests (PSNT) to determine if supplemental N is needed.  These samples need to be taken when the corn is 6-12 inches tall (measured from the ground to the center of the whorl) and should be 12” deep.  This information will help you make management decisions as to how much sidedress nitrogen may be needed.  The problem with this test is you don’t know how much nitrogen is in the 2, 3 or 4 foot zones.  Our crop roots will get there, it just a matter of time.      

As I mentioned last week, I’m sure we’re seeing more nitrogen loss than typical and we’ll need to do a little side dressing or chemigating, but hopefully we’ve only moved the nitrogen down slightly and not out of the root zone?     

The ETgages I’m monitoring this past week dropped an average of about 1.5” for the week for corn in the V8 stage, the factor is .51 so we used about .75” or about .11”/day for the week.  With the warmer conditions, we’ll probably use a little more than that the coming week. 

We are currently updating the Nebraska Ag Water Management Network (NAWMN) web site and the updated website hopefully went live Monday evening.  You’ll be able to get to the site by going to the http://nawmn.unl.edu or http://water.unl.edu/cropswater/nawmdn.  You can then get information from producers posting their ETgage reading or from the automatic weather station data.  If you have any problems with the data, give me a call at 402-326-8185 or email me at gary.zoubek@unl.edu.  Hopefully we’ll get more people posting their ETgage data in the next couple of weeks!

Yard and Garden

I’ve continued to receive calls about trees loosing leaves.  We have varying problems as a result of the last winter followed by all the rains the past couple of months.   We’ve seed considerable leaf drop on apples, willows, maples, hackberries to name a few.  In most situations we are not too worried, most trees have more than enough leaves and are drop some in an effort to reduce water transpiration as the temperature warm and rains slow down.

Just a reminder, now is also the time to be scouting for bagworms on trees and controlling them if needed.  Jenny Rees has had a sample of bagworm bags as well as a leaf branch brought into her office last week.  Nothing emerged from the old bags but looking closely at the cedar branch, one could see ¼” new bags slightly moving and being formed by larvae.  Bagworms can be treated now with permethrin or bifenthrin to control them. For more information: http://www.nfs.unl.edu/documents/foresthealth/bagworms.pdf or http://lancaster.unl.edu/hort/articles/2007/bagworms.shtml

Debra Ersch, who is with an organization called Fourth Grade Foresters and has worked with Lions Clubs, NRDs, city tree boards, and local business owners across the country in effort to connect them with the fourth grade classes in their local elementary schools and have sponsored a tree for each fourth grader to take home and plant on Arbor Day. 

She just emailed me indicating that for the first time they have a surplus of trees and we need to get them into the hands of anyone willing to plant and care for them.  In an effort to get these trees planted and hopefully recover a portion of the cost, she asked if I could help get the word out.  The trees are $1.00 each plus shipping and anyone ordering 100 will get an extra 50 trees FREE.  We will ship them immediately via Fed Ex and the shipping cost is around $15.00 for 150 trees.  The 16”- 24” Norway Spruce are bareroot 2 year old seedlings and individually packaged by workers with disabilities.

If you’re interested, contact Debra at 402-429-9722 or email me at fourthgradeforesters@gmail.com.

2015 York County Fairbooks

Have you picked up your copy of the 2015 York County Fairbook?  If not, stop by our office and pick up a copy.  They’re also on line at: http://york.unl.edu/.  The York County Fair webpage is located at: http://www.yorkcountyfair.com/.