Home Events Henderson MB Church Invites Children to Everest VBS: Conquering Challenges With God’s...

Henderson MB Church Invites Children to Everest VBS: Conquering Challenges With God’s Mighty Power


everestSave the Date for Everest VBS that will be hosted at Henderson MB Church from July 13-17, 6:30-8:30 pm.

At Everest, kids discover what it means to hold on to God’s mighty power in everyday life. They will experience cool Bible adventures, sing songs, play fun games, eat yummy treats, and test out Sciency-Fun Gizmos. Kids at Everest VBS will join a local mission’s effort to share God’s love by providing food and supplies for our community backpack program.

Everest VBS is for kids from 4 years to students who recently completed 6th grade. You may pick up a form at the church or visit the church website at www.hendersonmbchurch.com. For more information, call (402) 723-5845 or email admin@hendersonmbchurch.com.