Home News Henderson Fire and Rescue Dept. Tornado Preparedness

Henderson Fire and Rescue Dept. Tornado Preparedness


In the event of a tornado watch being issued by the national weather service for our area, the Henderson Fire and Rescue Department may be dispatched to watch for conditions which may become dangerous. If a tornado warning is issued for our area and weather spotters confirm a tornado sighting, the sirens will be activated.

*    A tornado watch means conditions are such that a tornado is possible.

*    A tornado warning means a tornado or funnel cloud has been sighted and may be headed for your area.

When a tornado WATCH is issued:

Listen to local radio and television for further updates. Be alert to changing weather conditions.

When a tornado WARNING  is issued:


If there is no basement, go to the lowest level of the building, an inner hallway or smaller inner room preferably without windows, such as a bathroom or closet.

Stay away from windows, and go to the center of the room.

Prepare ahead so that you have blankets, pillows and mattresses to cover and protect yourself with.

If you are in a car:

Never try to outrun a tornado in a vehicle. Get out of the car and take shelter in a building if possible. If there is no building available, lie in a ditch or low-lying area away from the vehicle. Be aware of the potential for flooding and flying debris.

If you are outdoors:

If possible, get inside a building.

If there is no building available, lie in a ditch or low-lying area. Be aware of the potential for flooding and flying debris.

After the tornado passes:

Watch for fallen power lines.

Stay out of damaged areas.

Use a flashlight if needed. Never use candles or other flame sources.

Listen to the radio for information and instructions.

The Henderson Fire and Rescue Department DOES NOT HAVE AN ALL CLEAR SIGNAL. If you hear another siren, take shelter as another tornado has been spotted.