Home News Editorial Henderson Community Foundation

Henderson Community Foundation [EDITORIAL]


FullSizeRenderThe Henderson Community Foundation was established in 1990 to provide a vehicle to promote both charitable giving and local non profit organizations. The Foundation has disbursed over $937,764.00 to local organizations and student scholarships. While the Foundation is grateful for all of the past donations, there are ample opportunities to continue giving to the Foundation to support many community projects and causes in the future. Have you ever considered leaving part of your estate to help further the Henderson community? Imagine the impact a gift like that could have on the future of the community. Other donation possibilities could be in the form of stocks and bonds, commodities, life insurance policies, memorials or cash donations. The Foundation regularly schedules a golf tournament, the first Saturday in June, and serving meals at the Farmer’s market during the summer months as two ways of raising funds in addition to donations.

The Foundation just recently completed a three year $50,000 fund raising project, for additional scholarships, for students graduating from Heartland Community Schools. A special thanks goes to all who gave towards the scholarship project, especially Henderson State Bank for their donation of $25,000. If you have been a recipient of one of these scholarships we would encourage you to consider giving back to future students in the form of donations toward the Foundation scholarship program.

The Foundation is always looking at ways or projects to promote the Henderson Community. Currently, they are investigating the possibility of purchasing an electronic sign that could be erected on Main Street to promote the business community as well as community events.

A community is only as good as the people who support it. I believe we have a wonderful community and I challenge each of you to find ways to give back to help Henderson continue to be a vibrant, welcoming community. Consider giving to the Henderson Foundation on a regular basis. We have a community to be proud of! Let’s keep it that way!

Norm Yoder
Outgoing President
Henderson Community Foundation