Home Events Kids Night Out Hosted by Bethesda Preschool Committee

Kids Night Out Hosted by Bethesda Preschool Committee



Kids Night Out!

When: Friday, February 20th From 6 pm to 9:30 pm

Where: Bethesda Mennonite Church Fellowship Hall

What: A time for parents to drop off their children with trusted adults to have a movie night with snacks, activities, and other fun things to do so that you can go out and have fun! Plan a Valentine’s Date night or just go see that movie you wanted to see but haven’t been able to. It’s important for parents to have time to spend with each other without children too! We ask that you sign up by February 14th to reserve a spot at this event. Please give your child’s name and age so we know what kinds of activities to provide. We will be providing healthy snacks during the evening so make sure you feed your child a meal BEFORE coming to the event. We will also be asking you to fill out a Youth Permission/Waver Form for each child before they can be dropped off.

What to Bring: Bring your children in their pj’s and bring their pillow and a sleeping bag/blanket to snuggle in.

Cost: We are asking for a minimum donation of $10/child for the entire evening!

If you have questions or RSVP to bethesdapreschoolers@gmail.com or by calling and leaving a message at 402-723-4603 by FEBRUARY 14th.

This night is being provided by the Bethesda Preschool Committee.